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Jungkook went in the dressing room trying on different outfits he thought maybe he could look good for Y/N.

the curtain behind him opened. He didn't panic thinking maybe it could be Y/N or Charin checking up on him.

his eyes widened in horror when he saw the same guy from before standing in front of him.

"be quiet or I'll hurt you" he said he was wearing a black mask so he couldn't tell who it was he was scared and tried to scream for Y/N.

the guy placed a gag on him to avoid getting caught. He tied up Jungkook since he was kicking and screaming too much.

"be quiet! turn into a little bunny for me would you?" He said Jungkook shook his head many times. He wasn't going to follow orders from this guy.

"do it! Or I'll hurt your owner if thats what you want" he said harshly and showed Junglook the pocket knife he had. No not Y/N Kookie loves her too much. He thought.


Y/N and Chaerin were busy with chatting until she realized that Jungkook has been in the dressing rooms for a long time now.

"I'll go check on him I'll be back" she said and quickly ran towards the dressing rooms. She had a feeling that something wasn't wrong.

she asked the sales lady if she seen a hybrid go in there and she pointed to the last curtain in the dressing room.

Y/N walked towards it she heard muffled screams and threats she quickly opened the curtain shock at the scene in front of her.

"what are you doing with him!?" She yelled the guy immediately tried to stab her with the knife but failed she kicked him where it hurts and ran away with a crying Jungkook in her arms.

he felt his heart beat race when she carried him...he couldn't explain the feelings he felt for Y/N...somehow he wanted it to be more than pet and owner.

"Unnie!!! We have to leave" she said pulling her bestfriend out of the store.

once they reached the parking lot where Jimin was there waiting in th car for them.

"Jimin start the car!" Y/N said and Jimin did what he was told very confused with whats going on.

"can you explain why are we running?" Chaerin said.

"someone tried to kidnap my poor bunny" she said as she released Jungkook from the ropes and gag. Jungkook cried since he was scared.

"Kookie s-scared" he said and it broke Y/N's heart watching him cry. I will protect you Kookie she thought.

"shhh it's alright now no one is going to hurt your adorable face" she said wiping his tears. She reached out and got his bunny plushie from her bag. Jungkook's eyes sparkled when he saw his bunny.

"bunny!!!" He said Y/N smiled at his cuteness he hugged the bunny tight smiling.

"omoooo he's too precious" Chaerin said taking pictures of him. "nwonna no pwicture kookie" he said pouting cutely.

"awww you're too cute" Y/N said. "I'm not cute" Jungkook said crossing his arms.

"he's right I'm 100% more cuter than him" Jimin said laughing Chaerin thought her brother's laugh was really annoying.

"no you're not pabo" Y/N said

"you and him make a cute couple" he said making both Jungkook and Y/N blush red.

I think I'm falling for this bunny boy. Y/N thought.

Update ❤️ i kennat believe this was done in time.

my cute bunny boy // JungkookXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now