Chapter nine

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"Darcy stay in the car." Harry said getting out and so did all the guys.

All the doors shut and I huff knowing Ima be bored.

"All I know is I hate lifeee." I sang messing with stuff and I know harry was gonna kill me because on the way here he yelled at Niall for "fucking" with his car.

Just then in a huge rush they all get in the car and we speed off.

"What happened?!" I asked confused on why Harry is driving so fast.

"Harry mate that was epic! The way you killed him was sick!" Niall said and I looked at harry with anger.

Harry looked at Niall as if he wanted to kill him and Niall gave him a sorry look.

"You what?" I asked harry in the back seat.

He looked at me through the mirror and all I could see was his beautiful green eyes. God I could get lost in them, stop darce don't get off track.

"I had to, he was a threat." Harry said and I scuff.

"Yeah right." I said and everyone was looking at me.

"I'm going to sleep." I said rolling my eyes and I did just that.

When we got home Liam woke me up and I walked into the house and I didn't say a word to anyone, I just walked into my room.

I get on my phone to see bells texted me saying one of zayns guys got shot and asked if any of us had anything to do with it. Of corse I said no, not wanted to rat anyone out.

"Darcy." Harry said knocking a bit on my door and he opened it and I look at him.

"Harry." I said and he makes his way to my bed sitting next to me.

"He was gonna shoot me ok." Harry said and I nod.

"You didn't have to shoot him tho, is he dead?" I asked harry and he nodded.

"I shot him in the head of corse he's dead." He said in a smart ass tone and now the old harry is coming back.

"Like I fucking knew, you don't have to be a total fucking dick." I said rolling my eyes and his whole face went in shock.

"Watch you're damn mouth darlin." Harry warned and I laughed.

"Oh yeah? Or what." I said and in a swift second harry had me laying on the bed with his hand around my throat just looking over my face and I gasp at the sudden movements.

"I could kill you in a split second darcy. I warned you before about that pretty mouth." He said looking into my eyes.

I bite my lips really wanting him to kiss me but I knew for a fact that's not happening.

"You won't though harry." I said still with his hand on my throat.

"Oh yeah how do you know." Harry said and I smile.

"Because if anything you would have already killed me." I said and he smirked a bit now looking at my lips. He then leaned down a bit now going to my ear.

"This is the last warning Darcy, next time there will be consequences for your mouth." Harry whispered In my ear causing me to get chills down my whole body.

I nod my head and he let go of me going to the door he turned around.

"Diner is in thirty minutes." Harry said and I nod, my face now red.

I'm dumb for thinking he was going to kiss me. I'm dumb for it.

Ten minutes later I go down the stairs and find harry he was making diner.

"Hey um, I was wondering if you can take me home to get clothes." I said and he shook his head.

"No." he said and I gave him a dirty look.

"Why no? I don't wanna live in your clothes harry." I said and he stopped cooking and I shut my mouth.

"I said no. That's that." He said and I groan walking away.

I know who I'll ask, Liam.

"Liam!" I said walking into the game room and he laughed.

"Hey what's up." He asks and I shrug.

"Um I was wondering if you can take me to get some of my clothes from my house. I'm kinda bored of Harry's clothes." I said and Liam nodded.

"Yeah sure, but did u ask harry?" Liam asks and I smile nodding .

"He said yes." I said lying and I know I'll get in trouble by harry but he's not my father.

Liam and I leave the house and we are now outside of my house.

"You want me to come in with you?" Liam asks and I shake my head. My parents are crazy.

"I'll be fast." I said hoping out of the car and walking into my house. Everything was quiet.

I tip toed to my room and started to pack all my clothes and my laptop, some makeup, hair stuff, my toothbrush, shoes. After I was done I went to Liam's car and we drove off.

When we got home we walked into harry running around the house yelling for me and I looked at Liam.

"Fuck." I said and Liam gave me a stern look.

"Did you even ask him!" Liam yelled at me and I laughed.

"I did." I said.

"And what did he really say." Liam said and I shrug and harry sees me.

"What's that?" Harry asks taking the heavy bag off of me. He opens it and sees my clothes he gives me a death glare.

"I thought I fucking told you no Darcy! Fuck! Why don't you ever listen!" Harry yelled grabbing my arm and I pout at him being so rough.

"I needed clothes harry!" I yell in defense as he drags me up the stairs and Into his room.

"No, the point is I said no. I was gonna go tomorrow and get them for you." Harry said and I shake my head.

"Fine. Sorry." I said and he shook his head.

"You're gonna get punished tonight." Harry said with a evil look in his eyes and I gulp not ready for what ever is to come.

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