Chapter 31

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I got ready for the diner and harry was wearing a suite while I was wearing a nice dress. I hold my necklace in my hand kissing it. This necklace was my moms before she passed away, it means a lot to me.

"Ready?" Harry asks looking me up and down I nod as I say bye to the boys other then Liam of corse.

The car ride there was silent with soft music playing and once in awhile I would catch harry looking at me.

We pulled into a huge house drive way. I thought Harry's house was big, but this house

Harry shuts his car off and looks at me.

"You look beautiful Darcy." Harry says and I smile.

"You look rather handsome."

"Can you just, don't run your mouth okay?" Harry says and I gasp.

" I do no such thing!" I say smiling and he opens the door and shuts it I do the same thing.

We both walk into the house and some maids direct us to where Harry's dad is, which was the living room.

"Hello, harry, Darcy." Harry's dad greets then in walks in a women.

"Desmond, there you are," she starts then looks at me with a weird face,"who is she?" She asks with discuss.

"I'm Darcy." I say putting my hand out put she doesn't take it and I nod my head putting my hand down and looking at harry.

"Janis." She says and I nod. Then she directs her attention to harry.

" I see that you downgraded son." Janis says and I want to fuck this old lady up. Downgrade?! Really?!

"I didn't downgrade, and I'm not your son Janis." Harry growled, just then Desmond jumps in grabbing my hand.

"Do you like books?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I actually had a job at a library for five years." I say and he smiles whilst opening a door.

I was in awe with the sight of all the books.

"This is amazing." I gasp and he laughs.

"I put this in for Anne, but as you can see nobody uses it." He says right as I swiped my finger across the book dust came off.

"Erm, who's Anne?" I ask but before he could answer a maid interrupted us.

"Sir, the food has been served." She said and he looked at me with a arm out, I take it letting him lead us.

We made it to the kitchen and I sit next to harry and he looks like he can blow up any second.

"Harper! Cody!" Janis yells and then ran down some kids that looked about my age.

"Hello mother. Hello father." They both say and I look at harry and he is glaring at the two kids. I put my hand on his thigh and he looks at me for a second.

"Kids, this is Darcy. Harry's friend." Desmond says and I wave to them. Harper is giving me a death glare while Cody is gawking making me uncomfortable.

"So, Darcy. Did you graduate?" Janis asks while she eats some meat off her plate.

"Yes, I actually graduated early top of my class." I say and she nods.

"Maybe harry should take some notes." She says and I furrow my eyebrows at the lady.

"So dargy." Harper started.

"Erm it's Darcy." I say correcting her.

"What ever, how long have you been Harry's friend." She says crossing her arms as she glares.

"About four months." I say and she rolls her eyes.

Desmond cleared his throat.

"Darcy seemed to have interests in Anne's library." Desmond says and everyone's heads went up to look at me. Even Harry's.

"There is just nice books in there is all." I say sinking down in my chair and my face goes all red.

Janis looks at my neck and makes a face.

"Is there a problem?" I ask in a shitty tone. I'm tired of this already.

"Yeah, that's fake gold, looks quite ugly actually." She says causing me to look down a bit not talking.

"So, Darcy, are you a virgin or did harry take that?" The Cody kid asks me causing me to choke on my water.

"Oh you little shit." Harry growled the Cody kid just smirked.

"Harry stop." I say trying to calm him down.

"No! You know what! I'm done with this. Your not my fucking mom you never will be! And all this is just fucking fake all of it! Come on Darcy." Harry said grabbing my wrist while running out to his car.


"Before you give me a lecture, they deserved it. They think they are my family when they are no where close to it." Harry says starting his car and driving off.

" I wasn't going to lecture you harry..."

"Good. So what was the issue with what Janis said about the necklace." Harry asks and I look down.

"It um... it was my mums before she erm..." I didn't want to say the rest and harry got it.

"I think it's beautiful." Harry says and I smile at him.

I really want to know what's going on in his head and In his life.

"Who's anne." I sat out of no where.

"My mum." He says .

"Where is she?"

"On vacation."


"Stop asking questions Darcy fuck."

"Do you have actual siblings?"

"Yeah, one sister her name is gemma. She's supposed to come back from America soon actually." Harry says and I nod.

"I wish I could go to America."

"You've never been love?" Harry looks at me as I shake my head.

"Nope. I'd always ask but my parents would say "it's to much money" but they could literally eat money for diner. They've went but I wasn't aloud to." I say look at harry fiddling his watch.

"Well, looks like we need to go on vacation huh Darcy." Harry said smiling at me and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Oh no, wait for real? You're fucking with me." I said laughing and pushing his thigh lightly,"nice one." Wiping a fake tear away he looks at me with a serious face.

"I'm being serious, we can go tomorrow." Harry says and my eyes go wide.

"Shit. Erm, okay." Not knowing what to say I stay quiet the whole ride.

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