Chapter 48

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"Hey nan." I say as she opens her door she takes me into her arms.

"Oh love, I've missed you so much come in." She says inviting me in. All I smelled was mint and lotion.

"How have you been?" Nan asks as she pours me a drink of tea.

This is my actual moms mom. Not my foster moms mom.

"Horrible." I say shaking my head as tears flood my vision.

"Aww honey, come here." She says taking me into her arms I sob even more.

"What's wrong." She asks softly.

"I thought he was different nan. I love him, but he doesn't love me." I sob and she rubs my back.

"Sh sh, don't get worked up. Sooner or later he will come back." she says and I nod wiping my eyes.

"Do you mind if I stay here awhile?" I ask and she smiles.

"Of corse not! I'd love the company deer." She says and I nod going to a empty room.

I walk around it putting my bag down, I see a picture of my mom and me smiling as I was on her back.

"God mom I need you." I say crying softly.

"Darcy, I'm always here." I heard a voice say beside me with a touch.

I look and I see my mom.

"Mom?" I ask smiling and she nods taking my face into her hands.

"Love, do you love him?" She asks and I take a bit to answer.

"I do but I don't want to anymore, he did something to me mom." I said shaking my head.

"Sh sh sh baby, do what your heart tells you to do."

"I love you mom." I said sobbing and she smiled at me.

"I love you to baby, just know when ever you wear that necklace I'm with you." She said kissing my head then she disappeared.

Just then my phone rang.


I answer the call and she is crying.

"Darcy he's not okay hurry." She said out of breath as I heard things being thrown.

"I'm on my way." I say to her putting my shoes on.

"Nan I'll be back." I say and she nods as I run down the street I feel as if my heart will pop out of my chest.

I finally make it to the house and I open the door to see Liam freaking out.

"Thank god you're here, he's been yelling and throwing stuff, he punched Niall in the face." Liam said and I ran over to Niall as he held a towel to his bleeding nose.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods.

"You need to talk to harry." Niall says and I nod making my way up stairs I heard stuff breaking and harry yelling.

I open the door and the wind was sucked out of my body on how messed up his room is.

I walked in anyways and I touched his back causing him to turn around fast and to breath hard. His eyes where red, almost as if he was crying.

"Harry, it's okay." I whisper nodding my head, as a picture frame of him and his family was in his hand he was about to destroy it.

"It's okay." I whisper again and he calms down.

I am still pissed off at him and I know I can't be in this house for a couple of days, but we are talking about Harry. I love him, even if he doesn't love me.

"Darcy I swear I love you." Harry sobbed while hugging me.

"I know shh." I shush him rubbing his back and he calms down.

"I thought you weren't coming back." Harry says taking my face in his hands.

"I'm not, only for two days though. But I got a call from gemma and she was terrified of you." I say and he nods.

"Where are you staying." He asks.

"My nans. But hey look at me." I say grabbing his face and making him look me into the eyes.

"I just need time, okay?" I say and he nods.

I step back looking at the room and I shake my head. As I look up Harry's body I see blood pouring from his hand and I grab it.

"Harry what did you do." I gasp and he shrugged.

I pulled his ass down the stairs and into the kitchen as everyone watched us.

"Is he okay?" Gemma asks looking at his hand I nod.

"Yeah, thanks for calling gemma." I say and harry looks at gemma.

He goes and hugs her and she sobs in his chest.

"You acted like Dad harry. You scared me." She says and I lick my lips listening.

"I'm so sorry gem." Harry says and she nods walking away.

I grab the bandaids and alcohol to disinfect the cut.

"Doctor darcy." He says and I nod smiling as I fixed him up he stares at me.

"Let me drive you home." Harry says causing me to look at him in the eyes.

"I erm, I don't know harry." I say and he closes his eyes.

"Please Darcy, I don't want you to walk alone in the dark. Just let me drive you home." He insists.

"Okay." I nod my head as we both walk to his car.

Harry is such a hot ass guy, but he confused me .

"Why can't you just actually mean that you love me harry." I say softly causing him to look at me as we were parked in the drive way of my nans house.

"Darcy I swear on everything I love you. I never loved Taylor, she was just a fling, a quick fuck. That's it." He says and I stay emotionless.

"Maybe I was a quick fuck." I say looking down and he grabbed my jaw and he tensed his.

"Your not a quick fuck Darcy god damn it! I fucking love your ass! I can't go a second without you!" He raises his voice and we look at each other quietly.

"You know how much it hurt me to see you kiss her harry?"

"I know, I fucked up darcy I won't ever do that again. That was out of line, but you have to understand that I have to take baby steps in this. I've never had a real relationship." Harry says and I sigh.

"Okay." I say and he smiles a bit At me as we sit in silence.

"So erm, you want to come in?"

"Sure thing darlin."

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