Chapter 39

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"Why don't you just stay?" I ask gemma as we cleaned up the dishes.

"Nah I don't want to be a burden." She says and I shake my head.

"You won't be, come on." I beg as she stopped to look at me.

"Fine." She said and I smiled.

"Yay, finally a girl to hang out with, I swear the only girl here with me is ni." I say as he walks behind me.

"Hey!" He says.

"Sorry." I say laughing as I put the dishes away.

We all are sitting in the living room and when Louis turns on the tv he skipped through the tv Chanel's.

"Let's see if we are on the news huh boys?" He said laughing as he turned it on.

My eyes widen at the image displayed on the tv.

"Greg igle had been on the loose for the last 24 hours, he is dangerous, so if seen please call the police." The reporter said and I start panicking.

"Hey you okay?" Louis asks putting a hand on my shoulder I nod my head and harry is staring at me trying to read me.

"Yeah fine. Erm, I'm gonna get some fresh air." I say getting up and going out side.

When I do I start pacing and thinking about how I'm gonna get out of this. My dad will find me, I know for a fact. He's escaped jail once before and found me, but of corse the foster facility called the police on him.

"You okay?" I heard Harry's raspy voice speak as he crossed his arms, probably from the biting cold night.

"No, I'm not. I'm going fucking insane harry. I can't keep running around I can't." I breath out stepping close to him.

"Darcy, just calm down okay? What did I tell you huh?" Harry says grabbing the side of my head softly making my eyes meet with him.

"You won't let them hurt me." I say and he nods.

"I won't love, I won't let them. Take my word." Harry says and I nod and he kisses my lips softly.

"Let's go inside, it's cold out here." Harry says as I nod following him inside.

"That's a fucking lie!" Gemma laughs as harry tells us all stories about when they where kids.

"Yes it is. You would always dress me up with your stupid ass clothes, and dad would tell you to stop or I'd turn out scared for life." Harry then takes a sip of his beer.

"Okay, well you used to pick on me with your little friends." Gemma said raising her eyebrow and harry smirked taking another drink of the beer.

God did he look hot when he did that.

"True, but then your friends would bother me." Harry says and gemma narrows her eyes at him.

"Hey my sisters used to bug the shit out of me."
Louis says and I shake my head laughing as they all looked at me.

"Sisters aren't bad you know." I say and they nod.

"Yeah unless they annoy you." Louis says and I shrug.

"Remember when mum would take us to the park and we used to fuck up the swings. She would be so pissed at us." Gemma said laughing a bit and harry giggled a bit.

"The good times." Harry says and I bite my lip.

He looks up at me as gemma was telling Niall a story about her and her boyfriend. He then mouths.

'Upstairs.' I nod my head as we both stood up.

"We are going to bed." I say waving to everyone.

"Goodnight." They all said as we walked up the stairs harry shuts his bed room door and I smile wrapping my arms around his neck smiling as he smiled down at me, he put his hands on my hips.

"This is not why I wanted to come up here for." Harry whispers and I nod.

"But I wanna just have a moment." I say back and he nods crashing our lips together, he picks me up and holds me against the wall kissing me deeper.

"God, you kill me babe." Harry groans in my ear and I grab his face smiling.

"Good styles." I say kissing him more as he cups my ass I squeal.

I pull away and harry pouts.

"What did you need to talk about?" I ask now being serious.

"You had to end our moment like that Darce." Harry groaned flopping back on the bed.

"Maybe." I say straddling him and I knew what I wanted to do.

"What are you doing love?" He asks grabbing my hips.

"Talking and you?" I ask hitting his chest a little and he smiles.

"Well, staring at a beautiful girl." His smile was so fucking adorable and I couldn't with him.

"Such a stud you are." Winking he laughed at me.

"Oh always love." Harry says and I tilt my head back laughing.

"Harr... oh shit sorry!" Gemma said and I got off harry fast.

"Bloody hell whats up with you guys not knocking!" Harry yelled and I snickered and when I did harry turned around and smiled at me.

"You think it's funny huh?" He said still smiling and I nod my head.

"Very." I said biting my lip and just then harry grabbed me and kissed me.

"Is it safe to come in yet?" Gemma asks and harry groans.


GEMMA comes in and harry and I look at each other.

"Some man is down stairs. He said he was looking for Darcy." Gemma says and my eyes go wide and Harry's jaw tightens.

"You two stay in here I'll go deal with him." Harry says and I grab his arm, my eyes pleading him not to go.

"Harry, you'll get hurt please." I beg and he snickered.

"Darlin, I'm always safe." He says lifting his shirt I seen a gun next to his black inc on his skin.

"Lock the door shut the lights off, and go into the closet. I'll be back." He says to me and I nod my head doing as he said, but god was this scary.

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