Chapter 56

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"I don't know why he was being a dick." I say to Gemma while eating some pizza.

"I don't know, maybe it had to do with that call he took." She shrugs and I groan.

"I just don't get why he's such a dick sometimes."

"You know what we need! A girls night out, let's get dressed and go to the club downtown it's brand new."

"I don't know, I don't want to piss harry off more."

"Oh well, let's get ready."

I nod getting up I sneak in the hallways and I hear harry and Liam arguing down stairs so I go into Harry's room grabbing some of my clothes.

I grabbed a bra that I am going to wear as my shirt and some pants.(above)

I run into Gemma's room to get ready and she has music blaring.

"Straighten or curl?" I ask her and she thinks.

"Do a half up half down bun, but curl the hair."

I nod doing it then after I grab some of her makeup, doing it natural.

"Ohhh girl you look hot." Gemma says to me as she puts her jacket on I laugh.

"So do you babes." I say grabbing my phone.

"Let's roll."

Gemma and I sneak down the stairs and we both see that the boys were not in the living room so we rush out of the door.

"Call the cab." I tell gem and she did.

When we got to the club I smiled looking at the line of people and the lights coming out of the building.

"Thanks." Gemma said giving him 10 dollars.

We got in line, and ten minutes later we were in the club.

"Let's get drinks!" Gemma yells and I nod.

We both went up to the bartender who was cute, and asked for two shots each.

"What are you pretty ladies doing here all alone?" He yells a bit so we can hear.

"Having some fun!" I yell to him laughing as he pushes the shots towards us I down mine.

"Well I hope you guys do have fun."

"Thanks!" I yell and gemma is just staring at him.

"Hi." Gemma says to him and the guy smiles.


"I'm going to the bathroom." I tell her and she nods. I want to give her her time to talk to him.

I push my way through the crowd of dancing people and find the toilet.

I push open the door and go straight to the mirrors to see what I look like, and I looks really cute.

Just then I hear the heavy door of the bathroom push open harshly and there stood Taylor, that bitch that showed up at Harry's house.

She stops laughing and stares at me walking towards me.

"Well well well, if it isn't Harry's whore." She said and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Look, I want no trouble Taylor." I say trying to walk past her but two other girls block my way.

My phone starts ringing and I look and see Harry's calling but I didn't answer.

"Harry calling?" She slurred and I didn't answer I tried to push through but the bigger girls towered above me pushing me back.

Taylor grabbed my phone answering.

"Harry, yeah this is Taylor. She's fine, just in a club. Oh right now she's fine but I don't know if she will be soon. Bye." She smiles throwing my phone at me I start getting pissed.

"Let me leave." I growled and she laughed shaking her head.

"You are going to pay, you ruined harry and i's relationship you fucking whore!" She yells and I shake my head.

"I didn't ruin anything Taylor, you guys weren't together when me and him started dating. You're psychotic ass did that yourself." I spit and her face went straight.

"Girls, get her."

The big 300 pound girls charge towards me but I doge them and run out of the bathroom with them following me I run to the bar and spot gemma.

"Gemma! We have to go come on." I rush grabbing her arm and she stood there giving me a face.


"Someone is trying to fucking kill me! Let's go!" I pull her out with me and as I thought it couldn't get worse, there stood zayn with a smirk on his face. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

I grab my phone calling harry. I was hyperventilating and Gemma wasn't scared.

I grab her arm and start running. Harry didn't answer his phone.

"Darcy, stop!" I heard zayn yell and I pushed Gemma into a taxi and kept running.

I was met by Taylor and the girls in front of me and zayn in the back of me. The sides of me have gates.

"Look what we have here, good job Taylor." Zayn smirks and I look at both of them.

I start to climb the fence and as I did I cut my leg pretty good but I ran.

When I got home my jeans where covered in blood.

I open the door feeling really dizzy I fall, I pick myself off the ground and shut the door locking it.

I limp my way to the bathroom leaving a trail of blood behind me.

I grabbed the first aid kit and took my pants off seeing how deep it was, and it was a good two inches deep.

"Darcy! Darcy! Are you home?!?" I heard harry yell and I heard a lot of foot steps.

Niall opened the bathroom and huffed. I was putting pressure on my leg.

"She's in here." Niall says and Harry races inside.

"Gemma! Where's Gemma?! Oh my god I just pushed her in a taxi!" I start freaking out and when I got up harry pushed me back on the seat.

"She will be okay." Harry says and I shake my head.

"I need to find her! Harry we need to find her! Right now! Right now!" I say getting up, pushing passed him I limped towards the door and as I Opened it harry grabbed my arm.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" He yells at me and I stared at him freaking out.

"Zayn, he's back." Tears were in my eyes and Harry's face went straight.

"God damnit."

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