Chapter twelve

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Thirty minutes of working out and Liam is beat while I keep going.

"How are you not done." Liam said drinking his water out of breath.

"I just ain't." I said still running on the treadmill.

"Okay well I'm going upstairs to take a shower." Liam said walking out while I still kept going.

As I kept running in the silence, I felt a bit dizzy so I put the speed down to 3. When I stoped the treadmill I got off about to fall from being so dizzy.

I sit against the wall, breathing in and out and after I did that I was good. So I walked up the stairs to be met by harry.

"Hey." Harry said and I walked past him ignoring his 'hey'.

I go to the kitchen and grab a water bottle and a apple considering I haven't ate at all in awhile.

"Are you pissed at me or something." Harry said laughing and I shrugged walking past him to get out of the kitchen.

"Fine I'm not fucking chasing you Darcy." Harry said.

I put my thumb up high and walked up the stairs not looking back at him.

I go on my laptop once I get to my room. I click on my docs so I can write some more in my diary. After that I just watched some Netflix as always.

Just then harry bursts through my door.

"What the hell is your issue." Harry asks mad.

"Nothing." I said now directing my eyes to my computer once again.

"You know what, I'm sick of your fucking mouth Darcy." Harry said balling up his fists.

"And you think I give a fuck harry? I want to leave. I don't wanna be here anymore. So how about you step the fuck back and leave me alone." I said meaning everything. I did wanna go home. I don't wanna be here to listen to all the shags harry has a night, I just don't.

He starts walking slowly towards me.

"Oh darlin your not leaving anytime soon." He said smirking and this caused me to bite the inside of my cheek hard.

"Get out harry." I said shaking my head looking at my computer still. Just then he slammed it shut and threw it on the chair.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do in my house!" Harry said kinda scaring me a bit, but nothing will be as scary as my dad.

"Fine." I said getting off my bed and leaving him in my room. I don't wanna be near that psychopath.

"Get the fuck back here!" Harry said grabbing my arm turning me around and I gave him a dirty look.

"Get off harry." I said calmly. He stared into my eyes and we didn't move at all until I broke the stare.

"Let go." I said and harry shook his head.

"You need to know I'm not fucking around." He said and I scuff.

"Sure, I'll just go sleep with Liam how about that?" I said smiling and his face went straight and he got red.

"You won't." He said shaking his head.

"Oh really, wanna bet?" I said smirking now.

"Do it and see what the fuck happens Darcy." Harry said and I laugh.

"Why do you care what I do? You fucked girls since I've been here and I don't say shit. I can do what I want harry, this may be your house and all, but I'm not the one who is making me stay." I said and I jerk my arm out of his grip as he smirks at me.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." Harry said and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah think what you want harry. I don't even like you." I said and he laughs.

"Sure seems like you do." He said and I get pissed because he's right. I do like him but I don't want to. It's not healthy.

"Fuck you." I said.

"You'd love too right?" He said winking.

I love how he turns it and says that I like him and stuff when he gets mad when I say I'm going to sleep with Liam. The war is on.

Plan, get harry to like me is in check. Well what's a plan without a little bit of fun?

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