Chapter fourteen

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•Three weeks later•

"Harry, do I really have to go." I groan jumping in the passenger seat and him going into the drivers side. He slammed his door shut.

"Darcy I told you, you listen to me got it. Stop with the smart ass mouth." He growled starting his car.

I gross my arms and huff.

"Fine." I said still throwing a fit.

"Seatbelt." He said and I mocked him who'll putting my seat belt on.

Harry is making go on a date with some guy that stole his stuff. He wants me to lure him in, and harry thinks I can help. I really don't like helping the way harry is. He is a criminal and everyone is terrified of him, even cops, but I'm not. I'll yell,scream, and hit him. He won't do anything to me and I don't know why. That's the one thing I'll never know the answer to. He for sure doesn't like me, so I don't get what the deal is.

"Did you hear what I said." Harry said and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Uh, no." I said looking over at him. One hand rested on the wheel and the other by the window, it was keeping his head up.

"I want you to tell him that you want him to come over tomorrow. Okay." Harry said pulling into the place harry said for me and the guy to meet at.

"Okay." I said nodding. Slowly but surely I've been trying to listen more to harry, and he's somewhat nice.

"Oh and Darcy." Harry said as I took my seatbelt off and was about to open the door. I turned to him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Don't fuck this up, and if anything goes wrong you call me." Harry said handing me my phone, which he's been using to text the guy. I nod my head.

"Sure thing harry." I said slamming his door.

I hate having to do this for harry. But like he said before, I'm stuck at his house, so I might as well sometimes listen to him.

I open the door to the beat down bar. Ew.

I sit down and look around for the guy. Just then a older guy taps my shoulder and I turn around and smile knowing this is the guy.

"Hi, are you Darcy?" The man asks smiling showing his gross teeth. Fucking gross.

"Yes I am, you must be gabe." I said smiling and he nodded sitting across from me.

"So what brought you here to England little lady?" The man said drinking a beer while I sip on water.

"My dads job moved here so we had to." I said keeping it short. Just then in my lap I felt a buzz and I looked down and seen harry texted me.

"Oh, sounds interesting." He said smirking at me and I gave him a uncomfortable smile. This man is really weird it bugs me.

"Yeah." I said looking down tempted to read the text, but instead I sip my drink.

"Do you like having fun?" He asks and when he does I choke on my water and start coughing.

"Sorry," I started whipping my mouth,"what did you just say?" I ask trying to make sure what he meant.

"Like do you always have sex with your clients?" He asks and I look at him weird. Clients? Just then it clicked.

'Im going to kill styles.' I thought in my head. But I just went along.

"Mmm depends." I said leaning on the table a bit, my chest showing due to the shirt harry made me wear. It was hard for him to let me go out in this shirt but it was funny.

"On what sweetheart?" He said now his attention is on me.

I lean forward and whisper to the man.

"If your dick is big, and you have some drugs." I said and I hated those words out of my mouth.

The guys face was in pure shock.

"Oh, well I have all of that." He said and I smile.

"Great, you should come over tomorrow then." I said smiling leaning back in my chair. God why am I acting like harry right now?

"That sounds great, text me the address." He said and I nodded getting up and hugging the guy.

I walk out and check my text and it said 'don't fuck up.'

I storm to Harry's car and open his door and shut it scaring him.

"How'd it go?" He asks and I stare at him.

"Great, my 'client' is coming over tomorrow." I said giving him a bitchy tone.

"Oh really?" He said smiling while he pulled out of the car park.

"You're a ass styles." I said meaning everything.

"Why?" He said laughing. God I never heard him laugh and I love it.

"You told him I was a prostitute." I said raising my voice a bit and he was dying.

"Holy shit darce." He said out of breath and I smiled at his laughing.

"You think I'm a prostitute huh?" I said in a soft voice. This is the first plan in, 'get harry to like me or fall for me'.

"Maybe." He said serious while looking at the road.

God I'm going to regret doing this. Oh god.

Just then I took my shirt off and he looked over at him and then back at the road.

"Put your shirt on." He said but I knew he didn't want me to.

"What? I thought I was a prostitute." I said in a sweet type voice and he groaned.

"Don't Darcy, stop." He said looking at me then the road.

"Mmm how about no." I said putting my hand on his leg.

"Your really going to do this while I'm driving darce?" He asks out of shock and I nod pushing my hand up to the bottom of his shirt. I lift it a little to see some ink on his skin. God damn.

"You want me to stop?" I ask and he looks straight biting his lip.

"I don't want you to stop, but you should." He said and I shake my head.

"Pull over." I said and he looked at me as if I was crazy.

"What why?" He asks.

"Just do it." I groaned and he did. Once he did I climbed over and Straddled his lap and he looks at me weirdly.

"Darcy, stop." He said and I shake my head.

I stare into his eyes and he did the same. He then put his hand on the side of my head. I pull in closer and closer and right when we were about to kiss I dodge it and go to his ear and whisper.

"Oh harry, not yet." I said smirking and he was pissed off. I laugh as I go to my seat.

"That was stupid." He said really pissed and I laughed.

"Aww stop being a baby. Your the big bad gang leader you don't need to be mad over me." I said and he looked at me with seriousness.

"Well maybe I wanted to kiss you Darcy." He said and I looked at him in shock.

Harry, himself, wanted to kiss me? What the actual hell. He's on drugs. But In all honestly I wanted to kiss him too...

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