Little fox

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"Stay where you are!" You shouted threatening.

He looked at you for a moment surprised then he shouted "who the hell are you?!", his voice startled you but you kept it cool on the outside. Judging by his huge body you know you and the wounded hybrid don't stand a chance against him, you need to think smart to get out of this situation safely . "I've called the police they are on their way here, I suggest you start running before they catch you". You said trying to sound as brave as possible.

He stared at you,  gaze throwing daggers, then he spoke, " I own him, he is my hybrid and_"

You interrupted, "According to the Law, torturing hybrids is a crime, what do you think the police would say if they saw your hybrid's condition?"  he blinked then looked at the bleeding hybrid. You felt relieved as you watched him falling in your trick.

surprisingly, he started shouting again and rushed his way towards you, not knowing what to do you took steps behind, "how dare you threaten me!?" He shouted. Now you know for sure he's gonna end you right here. He kept screaming, swearing at you, but something unexpectedly happened as another sound interrupted him. He froze then looked behind him. The bushes started to move making sounds. Quick thinking, you thought it's your chance to support your lie, " finally!, they're here, too late for you now!".

"Sh**!" He said and started running. You kept your eyes on him until he disappeared. You laughed internally at his dumbness you seriously didn't think he would buy it but fortunately for you he did. You turned your gaze back at what was causing the sound earlier, you stiffened at the sight. There was a wolf standing there looking back at you.

You held your breath in fear trying to read its action. It took a step forward then it started sniffing the air. Is it gonna eat me?, you thought. It wasn't a fully grown wolf maybe you stand a chance of surviving against it but to what cost, loosing a leg? an arm?. what about the bleeding hybrid? He can't fight. The thoughts storming in your mind as you watched the wolf taking another step and sniffing again, why is it sniffing? Then it's gaze fell on the bleeding hybrid. You gasped! You realized that it was sniffing the blood in the air, the blood probably attracted its hungry tummy. You were startled when you heard a growl. It wasn't coming from the wolf, it was coming from behind you.

The Fox was acting aggressive as you watched him growling at the wolf. He positioned himself on his knees ready for a fight as he kept his gaze on the wolf. But the wolf didn't attack. Instead it turned around and ran disappearing through the bushes. You stared not daring to blink. Thats it? The wolf just ran away? You thought. No its gaze was intimidating. You were sure it will come back and ambush you when you least expecting it. Or maybe it will bring company. The Fox coughed bringing you back to reality. You rushed to his side helping him stand on his feet. "we need to hurry, my car is close by" you said not liking the idea of being eaten by wolves.

He leaned his body against yours for support. As cute as he looked he was really heavy you don't know for how long you can stand against his weight. You kept your breathing steady as you felt your stamina decreasing. You hear him groan in pain as you got closer to the car. poor thing, it must be hard for him to walk this far.

You helped him get in your car. He sat on the passenger seat his breathing was shaky. You leaned closer cupping his cheek with your hand. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "I promise you, you're gonna be fine", you said smiling at him. He didn't reply, instead, he leaned his head against your palm and closed his eyes. So adorable! You thought. You wanted to squish his puffy cheeks but you had to remind yourself that he is still injured and you need to escape from that starving wolf.

You started the car and drove as fast as the car can handle to your home. If you go to a hospital they would probably contact his owner informing him and he would take him back to the hell he escaped from. It's a good thing you're a nurse. You have attended injuries before, it wasn't your first time.

You looked at the hybrid beside you, he was closing his eyes. You hoped he didn't pass out. You reached your hand and grabbed his gently. He was startled at your action and opened his eyes. "Sorry, I needed to make sure your awake", you rubbed your thumb gently on the back of his hand, "please, try to stay awake", he nodded but his eyes were half opening, it seemed he was exhausted you were not sure how long he can keep up.

As you drove, you kept talking to him, introducing yourself, talking about silly things you tried to keep him with you.

You arrived at your apartment building. As you parked your car and got out, you hurried to the passenger side and helped him get out from the car.

The way to your apartment took forever. finally you reached your apartment door. Searching for keys in your bag while someone has his wight on you was harder than you thought. As you opened the door stepping inside your apartment, the hybrid started coughing nonstop. You held him with your both hands trying to steady him and he leaned closer his head on your shoulder. Your back slammed to the wall behind as you struggled against his weight.

He was loosing his consciousness slowly. You patted gently on his back, "hey little fox, help me get you to bed" you spoke softly. His ears twitched as you spoke which made you relieved knowing that he is still with you. You pushed him slightly so you can drag him to your room. He managed to lift his weight a little but you literally had to drag him all the way.

You reached your bed. slowly and carefully you helped him to sit. At that moment his foot slipped making him fall on the bed dragging you with him. You fell on his chest. You were lucky enough to avoid his stomach or else it was gonna end badly. He whimpers as you try to get off of him, "I'm so sorry" you said sincerely.

You grabbed the first aid kit and went back to your room. He was laying on the bed one hand covering his eyes. You really hoped he wasn't crying, you didn't think your heart can handle it.

You sat beside him leaning close. You lifted his hoodie up to look at the wound and your heart sunk. It was worse than you thought he'll be needing stitches. You managed to take off his hoodie with his help leaving him shirtless. "This is gonna hurt" you warned him before starting.



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