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A voice disturbed your sleep. You opened your eyes. It was still midnight. You heard a groan from behind you. You turned around to see Jimin's sleeping figure. Is he awake? He groaned again, you begin to worry.

Y/N: "Jimin?". You called.

He was sleeping, he didn't look very well you felt something was wrong. You reached your hand to his forehead, it was burning, He has a fever.

he seemed sick. You need to do something about the fever. You got off the bed and brought the thermometer. You checked his temperature. He was boiling up from the inside. You were overwhelmed with worry.

You went to the bathroom and fill the bathtub with cool water. You let out a deep sigh as you waited for the tub to be filled. You were confused he didn't show any symptoms of sickness yesterday he was perfectly fine, at least that's what you thought. If he was sick he did a good job hiding it.

You went back to your room. You sat on the bed and leaned close to Jimin. You caressed his warm chubby cheek.

Y/N: "Jimin". You called him a few times to wake him up.

He woke up his eyes searching for you when he didn't see you sleeping beside him.

Y/N: "I'm here Jimin". You spoke softly as you stroked his hair.

He looked at you with his big chocolate eyes and you saw his eyes started welling up with tears.

Jimin: "(Y/N), I don't feel so good". He said with raspy voice.

Y/N: "I know baby boy, I know". You said and placed a soft kiss on his forehead trying to calm him down.

He threw his arms around your neck and hugged you. He was literally burning up. You held him close he was feeling down.

Y/N: "you have a fever Jimin, We need to get you to the bathtub". You said and helped him sat on the mattress.

You unbuttoned his shirt and took it off revealing his abs. You took off his pants leaving only his boxers on. Jimin looked tired as he watched you silently, it wasn't easy for him to move, his breathing increases with every effort he makes.

Y/N: "hold on to me". You said as you helped him stand up but he was already clinging to you.

You helped him walk to the bathroom his steps weren't balanced you assumed he was feeling a bit dizzy, he had to put more weight on you to balance himself.

Jimin got into the tub with your help. He let out a small whine as his skin touched the cool water. Slowly you managed to help him sit down in the tub letting the cool water cover his warm body.

As soon as he made himself comfortable his chocolate eyes met yours. Even though he wasn't at his best, but you caught a glimpse of a smile on his plump lips that disappeared when you pour cool water on his bare back, Is he enjoying this? You know for sure that Jimin is a sucker for your attention he must be having a pleasant time right now.

You reached your hand and pinched his chubby cheek gently. He looked at you surprised.

Jimin: "what?". He asked his voice still raspy.

Y/N: "nothing, you just look so cute". You giggled.

Jimin blushed, his tail went crazy behind him splashing the water all over the place. You quickly held his tail in place to stop him from splashing water on you.

Y/N: "Jimin, calm yourself". You said.

Jimin: "I can't help it". He said and covered his flushed cheeks with his hands.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now