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You were driving your car heartbroken of what had happened to you during the day. You've spotted your boyfriend kissing another girl. You thought he was the one for you but you were wrong. You confronted him but he didn't seem to regret what he did which led you to broke up with him. Cheating is what you hated the most. You know that you can't live with someone that broke the trust between you two. Anger and frustration had consumed you but you were mostly hurt. Tears running down your cheeks. "how could he?" you kept repeating the same words in your mind as you kept crying. You stopped the car and let out of all the emotions that you kept inside you burst out to the world.

It took you a while crying but eventually you calmed down and you wiped your tears away. You took a look around through the window. you didn't recognize the area around you but it doesn't matter to you now you just wanted some fresh air. You stepped out of your car and felt the cool breeze rushing through you making your short hair dance in response. It was night time. Although it maybe dangerous for you to be out here at this hour, but your day was already messed up it can't get any worse. Besides, you didn't mind dying if someone did try to kidnap you, this is how depressed you felt.

What a nice weather, too bad terrible things happened to you during the day. You let out a big exhale trying to clear your head. There are a lot of trees around that means you drove to the countryside. You decided to go for a walk it could help you forget everything that happened, you thought. As you reached a nearby river you stopped and sat on the nearest rock around. You spaced out lost in thoughts as you watched the water flowing across the river. Nature always helped calming your nerves. It's a good thing you ended up here.

Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted when you heard something in the distance. You looked behind to where you thought it was coming from. You listened carefully it sounded like footsteps someone is running, you thought, and it's coming my way! You started to panic, should I make a run to the car? should I hide? As these thoughts flowed in your mind the sound got louder and louder. Your body froze in place as a male figure appeared through the bushes and ran making his way towards you but he suddenly collapsed on the ground. You stared blankly not realizing that you were holding your breath. You saw him trying to stand up but he whenced in pain then collapsed again. He doesn't look very well he was struggling in pain in front of you. Your heart sunk deep inside your chest at his condition. you couldn't stand watching someone in pain and do nothing. Hearing him coughing and whimpering in pain you couldn't stand still any longer.

You took steps making your way towards him. You were worried but cautious at the same time just in case things got nasty. When you reached him you spoke softly, "are you alright?". He jumped in fear as soon as he heard you speaking. He quickly turned his head looking at you with his chocolate eyes. He was terrified you can see it in his eyes. You two locked eyes for a few seconds then the look in his eyes softened a bit. You moved your gaze from his eyes to the top of his head. That's when you noticed the fox ears on top of his head, he is a hybrid.

" it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you", you said softly. Slowly, you knelt down beside him. he watched you less tense now than before. Without breaking eye contact with him you said "you look hurt". he stared at you for a while, you assumed he was having a mental debate in his head whether to trust you or not from the way he farrowed his eyebrows. In fact, he doesn't have a choice but to trust you or else he's going to die. He closed his eyes making up his mind then he spoke with a shaky voice, "help me".

He seemed to be holding in his tears as his eyes met yours again. The poor thing looked at you with pleading eyes. Your heart skipped a beat at the scenery. What kind of monsters would hurt this pure innocent creature, you thought. You wanted to help him but you didn't know where to start. You asked leaning closer, "where?" Knowing that he is hurt somewhere.

He looked down at his stomach that he kept one hand on. worry rushed all over you as soon as you saw the blood on his hand. He was bleeding from a wound on his stomach. He kept his hand on the wound to stop the bleeding but you can tell it's not helping now that his black hoodie was soaked in blood.

You looked at him eyes wide open, he was watching you, then you saw the tears welled up in his eyes. You stroke his soft hair gently trying to calm him down, "it's gonna be ok, I'm not leaving you" you said. He relaxed a bit at your touch closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. But that didn't last as you heard someone shouting behind you and the hybrid fox started trembling in fear ears flat against his head.

"Where are you scumbag!" Quickly, you stood up facing the man behind you. He noticed you and stopped, then his gaze fell on the hybrid behind you. His expression changed to anger. he continued shouting. "Come here you filth! I swear You're gonna regret making me run all the way!".

"Stay where you are!" You shouted threatening.



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To be continued...

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now