Number One

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Y/N: "Jimin"

Jimin: "hm?"

Y/N: "can you please spare me?"

Jimin: "I can't" he said faintly.

Y/N: "I know it's a cold night but please I'm starting to sweat, I can't sleep when I feel like this"

Jimin: "...."

He pulled you closer to the point where he was glued to you. His fluffy tail hugging around your legs as he buried his face into the back of your neck.

You looked at the clock next to the bed, it was one past midnight. You sighed feeling tired and reached your hand to the table lamp turning it on.

You turned around barely as he kept his arms secured around you and faced him.

He blinked while he stared back at you. His right cheek squished against the pillow.

Y/N: "is everything okay?" You asked.

He looked down then nodded.

Y/N: "well, that's a lie" you said.

He looked up back at you his eyes a bit wide.

Y/N: "you've been quiet since we got home, and you've been clinging to me the whole night instead of sleeping, is everything alright?" You asked again.

He looked away and let out a sigh.

Jimin: "I want you to rest, I don't want to bother you"

Y/N: "obviously Jimin I cant sleep thanks to you". You said.

Jimin: "Oh.." his puffy eyes looked at you, his fluffy ears dropped.

Jimin: "okay, I won't bother you anymore". He said as his face looked hurt.

He turned around his back facing you. He curled up into a small ball when you tried to peek at his face.

Is he mad? You didn't mean it to come out that way, you just wanted him to say what's on his mind.

Y/N: "Jimin, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just worried about you " you said softly.

Jimin: "...."

He didn't move or say anything. It wasn't like him getting mad at you easily like that something must have happened, but you have to admit.....he looks super adorable!

Y/N: "pumpkin, talk to me" you said, but didn't get a reply he was just ignoring you.

Jimin: "....."

You want to laugh at this little pumpkin but you kinda feel guilty for making him feel this way.

Y/N: "baby fluff."

Jimin: "...."

Y/N: "Foxy."

Jimin: "...."

Y/N: "muffin"

Jimin: "...."

He wasn't answering, you began to think he was sleeping.

Y/N: "Jiminie~" you cooed and ran your fingers through his soft hair.


A sudden loud purr escaped his plump lips as soon as your hand touched his hair making you burst out laughing, you know it was unintentional.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now