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Jimin stood in the living room behind you watching in silence. He doesn't want to think, no he can't think at least not right now where you need him the most. He's trying to focus on what you ask him to do, maybe you're just doing your job and everything will be back to normal again, Yes this is how it should be he doesn't need to worry.

Y/N: "Jimin, bring me dry clothes we need to change his clothes, he's shaking". You said as you were taking the hybrid's soaking clothes off.

The bunny was unconscious on your couch. Jimin helped you carry him inside your apartment, he's been helpful this whole time and you were grateful for him.

Luckily, the bunny didn't have serious wounds he was only suffering from bruises. But what worried you was how he kept shivering from the cold he was out in the rain in this cold weather his temperature is dropping. You ran to the heater turning it up and grabbed a blanket from the storage the one Jimin didn't like because he thought it's different from the one you're using.

You went back to the living room and found Jimin standing there waiting for you while holding a set of his clothes. He was quiet the whole time, he's ears dropping down. You didn't like his silence, Maybe this situation is overwhelming to him, you thought.

You put the blanket aside and took the clothes from Jimin. You quickly started dressing the bunny. You looked at the sweater in your hands, Jimin looks adorable in this oversized red sweater. You looked back at the bunny trying to measure his size. He's taller but a bit skinnier, you're not surprise though, life wasn't treating him well. Struggling with food to survive was probably an everyday challenge for him. But he still has muscles on his body which made you think does all hybrids have a perfectly shaped body?

After having a mental debate whether this will fit the bunny or not, You turned to look at Jimin you wanted to ask him to help out but you didn't find him in the room, he left

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After having a mental debate whether this will fit the bunny or not, You turned to look at Jimin you wanted to ask him to help out but you didn't find him in the room, he left. Is he tired? He was dozing off in the car maybe he went to sleep, you thought. You decided to not bother him again and let him rest.

You covered the bunny with the blanket after you struggled with putting his clothes on. His shivers got better and with the heater on his temperature will go back to normal again in no time.

You started cleaning the cuts on his cheek and under his lip. He was in another fight. Poor bunny, how long has he been living like this? Why didn't he get any help sooner? Why are people so ignorant when it comes to hybrids. Aren't they living beings? Why can't they understand It's not fair to treat them like that just because they're different. You never come to understand how human mind works having this sick society standers that separate everyone.

The bunny's face twitched in pain as you applied the antibiotics cream on the cuts. His brows were furrowing when you were done treating his wounds. You looked at his black long ears, you always admired bunny ears you like how soft they feel but hybrid ears looked fluffier you wondered if they are as soft as the little bunnies.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now