Ready? :D

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(Not story related)

(There's a hint hidden here related to the next chapter, let me see how smart you are if you got the hint *wink*)


You were streaming IDOL on your phone when suddenly you got a video call from an unknown number.

You hesitate a bit whether you should take the call or just ignore it.

You pressed the green icon on the screen and suddenly author-nim with a frizzy hair showed up on your phone screen.

Author: "hey there, you sure took your time I began to think you weren't gonna answer".

Y/N: "______". ( you can write here how you want to answer back, I thought this way is gonna be more fun for you),

Author-nim smiled at you after hearing what you said, but her smile disappeared when you heard a whine in the background.

Author: "sweetheart just ignore that". She said and smiled again.

Author: "tell me, how you've been? It's been a while and I missed you". She said and rested her chin on her hand giving you her full attention.

Y/N: "________".

Author-nim was listening and smiling while nodding to you.

But again you heard the same whine again. Author stopped smiling and took off her big round glasses then started massaging her temple.

Author: "Jimin, stop for god sake". She spoke impatiently.

Jimin: "but I want strawberry milk right now". He said whining his voice muffled.

You can see his fluffy orange ears in the background popping out from under the pillows he was nuzzling into as he was laying on his belly on the couch.

Author: "for the hundredth time Jimin, no, no strawberry milk for you today". She said scolding the little one.

Jimin continued whining annoyingly like a five year old kid protesting at the harsh punishment.

You saw the author taking a deep breath calming her nerves and then she took her phone walking away from the noisy kid.

She entered a bedroom and closed the door behind her.

Author: "finally, a quit place where I can actually think, he's been whining all day, I thought my head was going to explode". She said and massage her head.

She set the phone on the nightstand as you get a full view of the bedroom while she sat on the bed. Everything was in pink there, pink walls, pink curtains, pink bed covers, pink everything.

Author: "if you're wondering why an adult live in a child like bedroom, well, I still think I'm a princess". She said and smiled after hearing you laughing.

Author: "I'm not lying, my mom said so, and I believe in everything she says, she also said I'm beautiful".

She turned to look at her reflection in the mirror then she gasped.

Author: "or maybe not". She chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair trying to smooth out the frizziness.

Author: "hmm? You think I'm weird?" She turned to looked at you on her phone screen.

Author: "well, who wants to be normal? normal is boring". She smiled and placed a pillow on her lap resting her elbows on it.

Author: "you wondering why Jimin is grounded?".

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now