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He opened his eyes

It was pitch black.

He couldn't move a muscle. His body felt heavy and numb. His throat was swollen and hurt him so much.

It was cold, very very cold.

His foxy eyes adjusted to the darkness, he was able too see the steam coming out from his mouth as he kept breathing.

He began to see....everything.

A face of a hybrid he recognized stared back at him. The one who lived in the room next to him.

But his eyes were empty, his skin was pale. His throat was....

The fox panicked when he realized he was staring at a deformed corpse laying next to him.

He turned his head to the other side terrified from the scene. He tried to pull his hand to his chest to calm his racing heart, but he couldn't, his hand didn't respond.

Another corps laying against his side as he himself was laying on top of pile of dead bodies.

The stench filled his nostrils he wanted to escape this place but his body failing him he can't move.

He was shaking, terrified, confused, and cold.

What happened? Why is he in this place with all the dead bodies?

The fox shut his eyes close when someone turned the lights on.

He heard footsteps approaching.

....: "argh, Never got used to the smell". Said a man complaining.

...: "better do it fast then". Another man spoke.

The fox was scared, he didn't dare to move as he kept his eyes closed.

He heard weals moving, the two men kept pushing something until the sound was too close to him.

...: "tsk tsk, what a waste". Said one of them.

...: "stop complaining and do your job". Said the other.

...: "look at all these corpses this is a huge amount you can't deny that". Said the man.

The other was quiet as he carried something and tossed into something with a hard surface that made a thud.

...: "at least we could've sold all this fur, do you know how much a fox fur worth?" The man kept talking.

...: "it's not worth anything now they're dead." Said the other unconcerned.

...: "what a big waste". Said the other.

The fox held his breath when the man pulled the body next to him exposing him to the eyes.

...: "look at this fine looking fur". Said the man tugging on the fox's tail.

The fox tensed. He did his best to stay calm ignoring the terror inside him.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now