My Hand

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you were walking inside Bangtan academy when you heard someone calling your name. you turned around to see Jungkook smiling brightly at you showing his cute bunny teeth. he was carrying a big empty canvas in his hands as he was approaching you.

Y/N: "hey Kookie, what's up?". you said smiling back.

Jungkook: "you came early today". he said.

Y/N: "yeah, I need to go grocery shopping today, so i'm taking Jimin early". you said.

Jungkook: "oh, I see". he said nodding.

there was an awkward silence after that

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there was an awkward silence after that. he shifted his weight uncomfortably. he looked cute as he was looking away scratching his head unsure what to do, he was still not used to starting a conversation. Your eyes shifted on the canvas he was holding and decided to start one yourself.

Y/N: "what are you working on?" you asked, his long ears perked up as he turned to look at you.

Jungkook: "huh? umm I started taking art classes and they gave me an assignment..." he paused.

Y/N: "wow that's cool, what's your assignment about?" you asked, his long ears dropped as he looked somehow nervous.

Jungkook: "anything that inspires me". he said.

Y/N: "have you found something yet?" you asked.

he nodded his head and averted his gaze elsewhere. a hint of blush on his cheeks.

Y/N: "oh I'm curious, can you tell me what it is?" you asked smiling.

he looked at you and went quiet for a moment.

Jungkook: "it's you" he said.

Y/N: "ME?!" you said, eyes wide, you weren't expecting that.

Jungkook chuckled amused by your reaction.

Jungkook: "yes, you. can I draw you?" he asked finally getting the courage to say it.

Y/N: "y-yes of course, but why me?"

Jungkook: "Thank you!". he interrupted immediately cutting you off and sprinted away smiling brightly all the way.

you stared at his figure dumbfounded until he disappeared from your sight.

what was that?


Music sound getting louder as you approach Jimin's class. the class is not over yet? you thought as you took a turn and approached the practice room.

Your feet stopped when you saw him inside the practice room.

You stared...

You stared

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