Never Go Without Me

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The next day you slept all morning. You woke up late afternoon. You barely freed yourself from Jimin's strong arms that he wrapped them around your waist without waking him up. This kind of struggle had been a daily routine since he grow so attached to you. Standing up you stretched your arms and yawned still feeling lazy even after a long hours of sleep. You walked and dragged your feet to the bathroom.

After taking a nice warm shower, you wore a new set of clean comfy clothes and went back to your room to wake Jimin up.

The fluff boy was sleeping peacefully when you leaned closer and took a look at his adorable face. You started poking his chubby cheeks with your finger, you suppressed a squeal when your finger sunk deep into his chubby cheek. You giggled as you watched his bothered expression furrowing his brows and pouting his plump lips.

Y/N: "Jiminie, it's time to wake up". You said and brushed his bangs back revealing his forehead.

You leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. You didn't notice the smile that he was trying so hard not to show, little you know he was already awake awhile ago but pretended to be sleeping.

When you were about to pull back and leave he grabbed your wrist and pulled you over him making you gasp at this suddenness. You landed on his chest he immediately engulfed you in his embrace preventing you from escaping his affection.

Jimin: "angel, let's go back to sleep I'm still tired". He said whining.

Y/N: "b-but Jimin..". You stuttered, you already slept half the day you can't possibly waste it all.

He cut you out when he buried his face into your hair and inhaled your scent, a wide smile formed on his plump lips.

Jimin: "you smell nice...., did you.. did you change your shampoo?". He said while smiling but soon his ears dropped when he realized something and he looked at you.

Y/N: "uh yeah, you like the old one so I decided to give it to you and buy a new one". You said and smiled but he didn't smile back he looked troubled.

Jimin: "you bought a different one". He said his plump lips pouting.

You stared at him not getting what he's trying to say. Shouldn't he be happy?

Y/N: "so what? Don't you like that shampoo now you can use it all you want". You said trying to cheer him up but it didn't work.

Jimin: "that's not the point (Y/N)". He said.

He stared at you For a while but then he sighed giving up on what he wanted to say. He looked at your hair and ran his fingers through it while he seemed lost in his thoughts.

Jimin: "can I use your new shampoo?" He asked tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while looking at you with the most soft adorable eyes you've ever seen.

Y/N: "ok". You said immediately as if he just cast a spell on you. He giggled at your fast answer.

What? You're not supposed to say yes! You're supposed to teach him about respecting your privacy and using his own things. He always uses your stuff even though he doesn't admit it most of the time.

He uses your towel to dry his hair even though he has his own. He uses your body wash and your lotion even though he has his own. He drinks from your cup whenever you're not looking. He Eats the food you like, he tries to read the books you read but he gets bored easily since reading isn't one of his favorite hobbies.

This baby is always copying you in everything, You tell him to stop, then he comes and asks again but you eventually give up easily and the cycle continues. You have no self control over your softness towards him he always gets what he wants. His sad face, his eyes that suddenly gets bigger and watery when you start scolding him, his fluffy droopy ears, it's a sight that breaks your heart and makes you overwhelm with guiltiness.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now