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Y/N: "finally, I'm done". You said while closing the last file you were working on and stretched your arms.

You look around your office and found Jimin sitting by the window while spacing out. He was quite all this time. You were surprised he didn't bother you to have your attention or tried to rest his head on your lap, you even thought he left the room.

His calmness didn't feel like him. He's been like this since the nightmare he had this morning. You kinda miss the giggly whiny Jimin even though he annoys you sometimes.

You walked over to him, he didn't seem he noticed your presence as he kept his gaze outside the window. You reached your hand and ran your fingers through his soft hair gently. He let out a loud purr startled but soon his shoulders relaxed he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of your hand brushing his hair and massaging his scalp, his tail swaying slowly. You giggled softly.

Y/N: "you seem lost in your own world, is everything ok?". You asked and smiled when he lifted his head up meeting your eyes.

Jimin: "I'm fine". He said, a small smile forming on his lips as he watched you sitting beside him.

 He said, a small smile forming on his lips as he watched you sitting beside him

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Y/N: "Hmm, but I think not, you don't seem like yourself". You said.

Jimin: "I don't?". He asked, you nodded.

Y/N: "you didn't ask for cuddles for the past three hours while I was busy, you're less active than the usual, you don't even talk much like you used to". You said while counting the points you've noticed on your fingers.

Jimin watched you as you were stating the result of your little observation. His ears perking up, his plump lips parted in awe his eyes staring at you in amazement.

Jimin: "waoh angel, you noticed all that?". He said his eyes sparkling his expression softening.

Y/N: "of course little muffin, and you know what it means?". You asked and stared at him, he blinked then shook his head.

Y/N: " it means you can't lie to me, so wanna tell me what's going on inside this fluffy head of yours?". You said and ruffled his hair gently.

He looked at you looking like a lost puppy, he tried to argue back he didn't want to worry you but he can't think of anything to convince you he was already lost in this argument. He sighed in defeat his fluffy ears dropped down.

Jimin: " I...I can't stop thinking about that dream". He admitted, he looked down his hands held the hem of his shirt and started playing with it.

Y/N: "you were shaken up back there, you wanna talk about it?". You asked and held his hand.

He wrapped his fingers around your hand and nodded

Jimin: "he was in my dream....". He said and gulped.

Y/N: "who?". You asked,

Jimin: "...my older mas- I-I mean that jerk". He said correcting himself.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now