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Jimin: "do you like him?". He asked.

You stared at his face. His chocolate brown eyes kept shifting between yours. His brows knotted with a desperate look waiting nervously for your answer.

Y/N: "he's been nice to us Jimin, of course I like him". You said honestly.

Jimin's expression dropped. His fluffy ears dropping as well. You felt guilty while watching his reaction, does he want you to not like him?You were being honest you don't like lying to him, but after seeing how sad he looked you thought maybe you should've lied.

Jimin: "more th-than me?". He said, his voice wavered.

Y/N: "Jimin! Why are you comparing yourself to him? Jimin you're my_". You said but got interrupted when you heard the doorbell.

Is it Yoongi already? That was fast, you thought. His apartment is far from where you live If he was at home it would've taken him longer to arrive. But at least he's finally here to help Jungkook, you were relieved.

Y/N: "he's here". You said.

Quickly, you rushed to the door, unintentionally ignoring Jimin who hadn't moved his eyes from you, and opened it. Yoongi was standing there hands in his pocket. Beside him stood a tall man, who looked familiar to you, carrying a bag in his hand.

Y/N: "hey, I'm so glad to see you". You said smiling.

Yoongi: "same here". He said and gave his gummy smile, then he continued. "This is my friend Seokjin. Hyung this is (Y/N)". He introduced.

Seokjin outstretched a hand to you.

Seokjin: "nice to meet you (Y/N)". He said as you shook his hand.

Y/N: "nice to meet you too Seokjin".

Seokjin: "just call me Jin, I came to check on the injured hybrid". He said and smiled.

Is Yoongi's friend a doctor? You thought. Then it hit you when you recognized Jin's face.

 Then it hit you when you recognized Jin's face

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Y/N: "alright Jin, come in". You said leading them inside, "I think we've met before". You said while walking, "I came to your clinic with a fox hybrid". You continued.

His eyes darted over your face, his brows moved upward in recognition.

Jin: "I remember you, your hybrid gave me a hard time". He said chuckling.

Yoongi: "small world, huh?" He said and smiled.

Y/N: "indeed".  You said smiling, turning your head to the living room's direction and noticed Jimin standing, staring at the new guests, his ears pressed backwards against his head.

Y/N: "Jimin, say hi to our guests". You said, his fluffy ears perked up.

Silently, he bowed greeting them but didn't utter a word. His body still tense. Yoongi stared at him then looked at you.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now