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Feeling a presence behind you as you were standing by the stove making breakfast for the three of you. Jimin wouldn't just stand behind you he'll never hesitate to make physical contact that little fluff who always seeks your attention, a smile formed on your lips at the thought of him.

You turned your head slightly to the left side and saw a tall figure with long ears, definitely not Jimin's.

He was staring at the content in the pan as you kept frying the veggies.

Jungkook: "you...cook?". He asked.

Y/N: "yeah, I assume rabbits don't eat meat, right?". You said and looked at him.

He nodded quietly. He doesn't talk much.

Y/N: "five minutes and you'll be shoving all of this into your tummy, you can rest until it's done". You said jokingly.

You couldn't believe your eyes as you watched the corner of his lips moving slightly upwards. It wasn't a wide smile but it made his cheeks lifting up making his eye bags popping in the most adorable way. looks like this little bunny loves food.

He's taking his guards down for a moment but not for too long

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He's taking his guards down for a moment but not for too long. He stop smiling then shifted his eyes to meet yours. He tensed, his lips parted in shock when he realized he was standing too close to you, your faces were so close only few inches away. He stepped back immediately bumping into the chair behind him.

You suppressed a chuckle at his dramatic reaction and continued cooking. It's not like your going to stab him in the heart if he came too close, but what can you say? He looked scared for a moment. Did he expect you to scold him? Hit him? Or maybe punish him? these thoughts must be always hunting him.

You told Jungkook to start eating after setting everything on the table. You smiled when he did he looked very hungry this is the least you can do to make him feel better.

You went to call Jimin after he didn't respond to you. Walking inside your room you looked at the little fluff ball hiding under the covers on your bed.

You removed the covers revealing his smol figure he was snoring soundly while he had his face covered with his cute tiny hands. What a weird sleeping position, you chuckled.

Taking his hands away from his face you leaned closer admiring his adorable features as his eyes were closed his lips slightly parted he looked peaceful.

You placed a soft kiss on his soft cheek letting your lips sink deep into it's chubbiness before you spoke.

Y/N: "precious baby, breakfast is ready". You said softly, his ears twitched.

He slowly opened his heavy eyelids and a soft smile spread on his lips as soon as your eyes met.

His hands sneaked around you and before you know it he pulled you over him not missing the chance to cuddle with you.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now