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Watching through the window the snowflakes as they were floating in the air drifting through the wind like white feathers and settling on the ground. You held your cold hands together and nervously tried to warm them up.

Yoongi: "it'll be okay, don't worry".

Your thoughts were interrupted by his voice. He gestured for you to sit down beside him. you refused at the beginning, your nerves were eating you up. For a particular reason sitting and waiting is the last thing you want to do, but your feet started hurting from how long you stood so you ended up submitting to his request.

Staring at the hall of the court watching as people walked in and out as they seemed occupied with their work wasn't a better distraction.

Yoongi: "you know Jungkook isn't the first case we dealt with".

You looked at him, he smiled trying to assure you.

Yoongi: "The lawyer Namjoon hired is really good, he worked with us a few times before".

His words calmed your anxiety but it wasn't enough to put you at ease.

You sighed heavily.

Y/N: "What if everything goes wrong? What if we lose the case? What will happen to Jungkook?"

Yoongi: "hey, it'll be fine, we'll figure something out. You're just overthinking right now, take a deep breath and relax" he said.

You do as he said and leaned back on the seat while you closed your eyes.

Y/N: "how long do you think the trial will take?" You asked.

Yoongi: "depends on the's Jimin doin?" He asked trying to distract you.

Y/N: "he's doing good" you replied.

Yoongi: "he seems cheerful these days, I wonder why?" he said looking at you.

you shifted uncomfortably on your seat. awkwardly meeting his gaze.

Y/N: "he is?". you asked forcing a smile.

Yoongi: "yeah". he said still staring calmly expecting you to say something, his eyes scanning your face.

is it possible because he confessed? he did started behaving differently after that day you've even noticed that. more giggly, and seeks more attention. but you still remember denying the thought of Jimin loving you when Yoongi mentioned it, you don't wanna admit loosing against his superpowers of reading minds.

Y/N: "I wonder why too, haha". you said and awkwardly laughed.

Yoongi: "hmm, I see". he said and looked away.

what? what? you see what Yoongi? you thought as you searched his face for clues but ended up failing gaining nothing with his expressionless face.

Yoongi: "I saw him the other day dancing and I gotta say he's passionate about it". he continued.

Y/N: "really? He's too shy to show me his dancing even when I ask"

Yoongi: "yeah, I was impressed, Tae been telling me about him, honestly I thought he was exaggerating until I saw him myself"

Y/N: "wow, everyone has seen him except for me, gotta find away to convince him".

Yoongi: "you better it's a sight you'll never forget". he said.

the doors to the courtroom opened with force.


a woman was being dragged out of the courtroom by two officers.

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