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Rain hitting the car window violently as you were driving your way back home. It was hard to drive in such weather, the rain blocking your view if it weren't for the wipers that were on highest speed. You had to drive more carefully so you won't crush into something or someone. A thunder rumbling outside making you jump a bit at the terrifying sound. You hoped the storm will end soon.

After a nerve wracking drive, you finally reached your apartment building. You fixed your scarf around your neck and grabbed the umbrella from the passenger seat. The winds hit you as soon as you stepped outside the car making your body shiver. You started walking when suddenly your stomach growled. You regret skipping your lunch break and now you're paying the consequences of that. You were too tired to cook anything and you doubt you can get a home delivery during this terrible weather.

Letting out a big sigh, you looked around and your eyes fell on the convenience store across the street. Oh! What about instant ramen? Sure Jimin would love that, the thought of his tail wagging joyfully as soon as he sees you making ramen drew a smile on your face.

 Oh! What about instant ramen? Sure Jimin would love that, the thought of his tail wagging joyfully as soon as he sees you making ramen drew a smile on your face

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You started walking with a quick pace towards the store. You entered the store and headed to the ramen section. Which flavor should I pick? You wondered. Spicy? Can Jimin eat that? What about chicken flavor? You decided to take two different flavors, spicy flavor, and normal chicken flavor. You paid for the food and left the store.

....:" you fu***** hybrid!!". Someone shouted startling you.

You looked around and saw no one. The streets were empty only few cars passed by. Then again you heard punching sounds and someone whimpering in pain. You follow the sound and it led you to a nearby alley. Slowly You peeked from behind the wall and you managed to see male figures. One man was holding, who you assumed the hybrid they were shouting at, and two other men were punching him. The scene frustrated you. Three against one that's not a fair fight. These cowards need to stop.

You took your phone out ready to call the police when suddenly you heard a familiar voice, you froze and paid attention to the scene

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You took your phone out ready to call the police when suddenly you heard a familiar voice, you froze and paid attention to the scene.

....: "just leave me alone". The familiar voice spoke in a shaky tone as he was struggling to catch his breath.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now