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It was a bright sunny day. The sky was clear and shining blue. You hear the birds chirping as you walked your way to the car with Jimin. You decided that he needed some fresh air to change his mood. After you consoled him he did seemed to be a little bit cheerful but you wanted to hear him laugh. You wanted to see him enjoying his time, and thats when you decided to go shopping with him.

The radio was playing some cheerful music as you watched Jimin flicking his tail excitingly and sticking his head out of the car window. His soft hair dancing violently with the wind as he kept his head out watching every detail you passed by. You saw a wide innocent smile on his plump lips. He looked happy and excited you couldn't help but smile at his child like attitude.

Reaching the mall, you parked your car and gestured for happy Jimin to follow you. Both of you entered the mall. Since it was weekend, you can see that the mall was crowded. You hear people talking and laughing everywhere as you were walking by. Taking a glance at Jimin, you felt down when you didn't see his smile. He was glued to your side and seemed nervous.

Y/N: "is everything alright Jimin? You look pale". You said worryingly.

Jimin: "I'm fine, it's just...I've never seen too many people in one place". He said making you chuckle. He looked at you cutely his ears moving backwards.

Y/N: "it's gonna be ok Jimin, I'm right here, you can take my hand if it makes you feel better". You said offering your hand.

He took your hand in his and squeezed it gently. Then he pulled your hand up to his face and made you cup his cheek he nuzzled his nose into your wrist then closed his eyes and smiled. You froze at his sudden action.

Y/N: "what are you doing?". You asked. He opened his eyes and looked at you.

Jimin: "I like your scent, it makes me relax." He said.

You felt heat spreading on your cheeks. Your heart beating faster. You didn't expect him to say that. his sweet eyes kept looking at you. It wasn't just an ordinary look it was a look of adoration and affection. You looked away not being able to hold his stare.

Y/N: "w-we should get going." You said and started walking taking a deep breath calming your nerves.

Jimin never let go of your hand. He held it tight as if his life was depending on it. Especially, whenever you passed a crowd of people, he would tighten his grip and bury his face into your shoulder. You didn't complain though, as long as he was comfortable you were ok with it.

You headed to the men's section trying to find some nice clothes for Jimin. He seemed puzzled when you told him to go pick some clothes he didn't know what to choose. The shop assistant helped you find his size when you weren't sure what fits him best. You led him to the changing room and asked him to try on the clothes you've picked.

Feeling your muscles aching you rest your back on the seat and stretched your hands, you didn't realized you were that exhausted.

After a couple minutes, you heard some girls in the shop making a fuzz over something. Some screaming excitedly and some gasping and staring. You wondered what were they so excited about until you turned around and saw what they were all looking at.

Jimin stood there wearing a tight black ripped jeans, and a deep blue shirt that he left it unbuttoned. His abs were as clear as the day, he looked hot. No wonder why the girls were going crazy. His eyes looked everywhere probably trying to find you. You saw the shop assistant approaching him. She looked very excited with the way she kept smiling and blushing. She seemed to be offering her help as she reached her hands to his shirt. He instantly jerked back before she touch him, almost knocking the shelf behind him, and hissed at her.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now