Are you ready?

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(Not story related)

You were walking on the street listening to Epiphany through your earphones and humming along with the music while closing your eyes remembering the amazing music video you just saw yesterday, when suddenly you bumped into someone.

You opened your eyes and you saw Jimin on the ground looking up at you with big eyes filled with tears.

Y/N: "omg! Jimin I'm so sorry". You said and hurried to help him get up on his feet.

Jimin: "I kept calling your name but you didn't answer me, why did you ignore me (Y/N)? Do you not like me anymore?". He asked, voice wavering trying his best not to burst into tears.

Y/N: "nooo Jimin, I like you very much, but I didn't hear you because I was listening to music". You said and pointed at your earphones.

Jimin smiled brightly at you after seeing your earphones. He wiped his tears with his sleeve. Then he blushed and looked down.

Jimin: "I-I like you too". He said faintly.

Your ears didn't catch that. You took off your earphones and stepped closer to him.

Y/N: "what did you say?". You asked.

He blushed widely while he looked into your eyes.

Jimin: "I said I-I...". He stuttered nervously and gulped while holding tightly into his fluffy tail.

But then he remembered why he came here looking for you.

Jimin: "oh! I almost forgot!". He said and lightly slapped his chubby cheeks a few times with his small hands getting himself together.

Jimin: "author-nim sent me to let you know that the next chapter is gonna be out soon". He said and smiled brightly at you.

Y/N: "that's great news! Thanks". You said making him blush again. He giggled.

Jimin: "umm have you seen my phone? I dropped it somewhere". He asked and looked around.

You looked around too and you found his phone under a bench nearby.

Y/N: "Jimin! I found it!". You called out for him.

You grabbed his phone and you looked at the screen it was playing some video.

You grabbed his phone and you looked at the screen it was playing some video

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Jimin hurriedly grabbed his phone from you.

Jimin: "the chapter is not out yet, you're not supposed to see that".

Jimin: "please, don't tell author-nim you saw this".

Y/N: "don't worry, I won't tell".

Jimin: "pinky promise?". He said while showing his small little tiny pinky.

Y/N: "promise". You said and intertwined your pinkies making him giggle.

He hugged you before leaving.

Jimin: "see you later". He said and walked away.



From scale 1 to 10, how much are you excited for the next chapter?

From scale 1 to 10, how much are you excited for the next chapter?

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My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now