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You woke up. You were still sleeping in Jimin's arms on the couch. He was watching TV, a hand holding the remote control and the other hand was playing with your hair. Your head was on his chest when his chest was rising up as he took a deep breath. You lifted your head up and looked at him. He immediately looked back at you when he felt your movement. A wide smile formed on his plump lips as his soft eyes looked at you.

Jimin: "hey angel, you woke up". He said and the nickname made your heart flutter.

You smiled back. he reached his hand and fixed your hair.

Y/N: "how long was I sleeping?". You asked.

Jimin: "it's been two hours". He said.

Y/N: "oh, I'm sorry, you must be tired by now". You said apologizing and got up sitting on the couch.

Jimin: " no, no, don't be, you always take care of me, I was more than happy to do the same for you". He said sitting up as you did and smiled flapping his ears in excitement.

You couldn't help but smile back at him. He looked proud of himself taking care of you even if it was just as simple as letting you sleep on his chest. You reached your hands to his ears and started scratching behind them.

Y/N: "who's my precious baby boy~?" You cooed.

Jimin: "me~". He said with a purr and closed his eyes smiling and purring leaning his weight on your hand, he almost fell off on you when you stopped and pulled back your hands. He whined when you stopped making you chuckle at his pouty face.

You leaned your back on the couch and closed your eyes still feeling tired. Jimin moved closer and clung to your side hugging your arm and resting his chin on your shoulder like a baby koala. He was looking at you with admiration written all over his face.

Jimin: "go ahead and sleep, I'll carry you to bed when it gets late". He said smiling confidently.

Y/N: "are you bragging about your strength you muscular baby?". You said jokingly while still closing your eyes. He giggled.

Y/N: "your offer is tempting but I still have a work to do". You said and sighed after remembering the huge amount of stacked files that awaits you on your desk.

Jimin: "surely you can do it another time when you feel better, I mean it's weekend and you need to rest". He said.

Y/N: "....maybe I should do it tomorrow morning". You said after thinking deeply and you felt him nodding beside you.

Both of you stayed quiet for a while. He was looking at your face lost in his own thoughts while you were resting.

Jimin: "Y/N". He called looking a little bit hesitate.

Y/N: "yes".

Jimin: "can I ask you a question?".

Y/N: "sure".

Jimin: "who was that man who attacked you?".

You opened your eyes looking at the ceiling but you didn't answer his question feeling the heaviness in your chest. Jimin sensed the sudden change of your mood.

Jimin: " talk to me (Y/N), tell me what's been bothering you, I'll always listen". He said and pulled away, getting a better view of your face, with a concern expression.

Y/N: " would you believe me if I told you he was someone that I once loved?". You said half chuckling bitterly.

Jimin: "he is your lover?!". He said his eyes wide from the shock.

Y/N: "no, not anymore Jimin, he's nothing to me now, he ruined everything".

Jimin: "I don't understand, if he loved you why would he hurt you?" He said farrowing his brows in confusion.

Y/N: "Jimin, humans are different from hybrids. humans lie, they become selfish and sometimes manipulate others feelings, whereas hybrids are honest, sincere, selfless creatures" you explained and he nodded listening carefully to every word you say.

Y/N: "He never did love me back, I just realized that. He used me for his own interest and I never said no to him. I kept lending him money to help him pay his debt". You stopped and sighed in frustration.

Y/N: " I was a fool to trust him, I doubt he had any debt, he was just playing around with my money and dating other girls". You said feeling a lump in your throat.

Jimin cupped your face with his hands. You looked at his concerned face. You saw a glimpse of tears in his eyes. Is he crying for me? He spoke and his voice was soft and full of sadness.

Jimin: "your heart is broken".

You repeated his word in your mind, "broken", this is exactly what you've been feeling all this time. It was just a heavy feeling for you that kept lingering in your chest for a long time, but his words were accurate he knows exactly how you feel. You didn't even realize it until he spoke the words. He kept looking at you for a long moment. His eyes traced the tear that started running down your cheek. His expression softened as he looked into your eyes again.

Jimin: "am I right?". He asked and you nodded slowly.

He pulled you to his chest and hugged you tightly. You couldn't stop the sobs that you tried to suppress. He stroked your hair comforting you when you started crying.

Jimin: "I know it's hard for you (Y/N), but you have me you don't need anyone, I'll keep loving you no matter what, I'll never abandon you". He said.

His words touched your soul making you embrace him tighter. A heavy weight lifted off of your chest. It's been a long time since you felt relieved. He made the heaviness fade away. You didn't expect this baby to be able to lift the burden off of you. He is so pure and innocent he is someone you can trust blindly. Hybrids are loyal creatures they would never betray their owner unless they were mistreated. You just adore him so much.

Jimin smiled when you started feeling better and placed a soft kiss on top of your head. You're very important to him he wants to see your happy smile all the time. It's hard for him to watch you hurt like that it makes his heart ache. He cares for you so much more than you can imagine. He swore that he will never let anyone hurt you. He will protect you from any harm he will always stand by your side.



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To be continued...


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Saranghae 💕💕💕

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