Old Friend

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Walking side by side with Jimin along the street he slipped his fingers into your palm and smiled shyly averting his gaze down at his feet when you looked at him. His chubby cheeks blushing and a giggle escaped his lips when you held his hand back.

A cold blow of wind rushing through you as you turn around the corner heading to your favorite coffee shop longing for a warm cup of coffee.

You noticed Jimin didn't close his jacket he shivered as he felt the cold wind rushing through playing with his hair.

You stopped walking and stood in front of him. He pouted when you released your hand from his, cute fluffy ears dropping down.

His striped shirt and his fluffy blue jacket looked warm enough but you're not sure about the rest of his outfit.

You stepped closer taking off your scarf and fixed it around his neck then you started closing his jacket.

Jimin's facial expression softened as he watched you taking care of him. His tail wagging in excitement.

Y/N: "muffin, you should've worn something warmer"

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Y/N: "muffin, you should've worn something warmer". You said as you were closing his jacket.

Jimin: "you said I look cute in this". He said.

Y/N: "aww sweetie, is that why you decided to wear it?" You asked and he nodded.

Y/N: "Jiminie, you look cute in everything even if you wear a clown outfit you would still make it look cute" you said pinching his cheek gently.

Jimin giggled shyly. A blush started tinting his cheeks. His tail wagging crazily behind him hitting hard against the street lamp that was next to him. The continues noise was loud enough to make everyone, who was walking on street around you, turn their head towards the sound.

You laughed and tugged on Jimin's sleeve pulling him away from the lamp. He was busy trying to catch his fluffy tail to sooth out the pain, but his fluffy tail was out of control.

....: "what a lovely hybrid". Someone spoke in a high pitch tone.

You look around and found a woman holding a chanel bag looking at Jimin as if she just spotted a new set of jewelry. Her outfit screams I'm rich as hell as you took a look at her outfit your eyes caught the sparkling elegant necklace that hugged her flawless neck.

Jimin's nose scrunched as he looked at her. His tail no longer wagging, his smile disappeared replaced with a frown instead. His body tensed when he noticed the fur jacket she was wearing.

Rich woman: "good evening young lady". she said turning her gaze to you.

Y/N: "good evening". You replied.

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