Ready? 🦊🍿

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(Not story related)

You were (studying/working) when you heard the doorbell ringing repeatedly.

You stopped what you were busy with and headed to the front door.

Author-nim showed up at your door with a big smile on her face.

Author-nim: "hey (Y/N)!". She spoke with a high spirited tone.

Y/N: "______". (Pick your line)

Author-nim: "Can I ask for a favor". She said.

Y/N: "______".

Author-nim: "I have a job interview today and I need you to take care of him". She said.

You looked around and saw no one you were confused. You turned your attention to author-nim when you heard her gasping.

Author-nim: "my lashes fell off, oh no no no not again". She said nervously as she was trying to put her fake lashes back in place but it ended up falling again.

Author-nim: "aaah!". She panicked.

Y/N: "____".

She tried to calm her nerves by taking deep breaths repeatedly.

Author-nim: "it's fine, it's fine, everything will be fine, right?". She said as she smiled and looked at you. She blinked and her other fake lash fell on the floor.

Author-nim: "aaaah! I need a mirror". She said panicking as she passed you making her way inside your house revealing the one who was shyly hiding behind her.

Jimin' eyes widened after noticing that he was exposed to the world, he grabbed nervously on his tail. His cheeks flushed and his fluffy ears dropped down. He was wearing a backpack and a hat that had two holes on the top for his orange ears to stick out. You noticed a plastic bag was placed beside him on the floor.

Jimin: "h-hi". He said shyly.

Y/N: "_____".

You gestured for him to come inside which he did and sat on the sofa. He took off his hat with his small hands and placed it beside him politely. His fluffy ears fluttering after feeling the fresh air hitting its fur. He took off his backpack and put it beside his hat neatly.

He took a quick glance at you.

Jimin: "it's been a long time..I-I missed you". He said blushing, his gaze was on the ground.

Y/N: "_____".

Jimin: "I missed your hugs". He said faintly his cheeks flushed. He covered his face with his small hands.

Y/N: "____".

He giggled, but then his fluffy ears perked up when he remembered something. He removed his hands away from his face and went to his bag searching for something inside.

Jimin: "I have something for you". He said his tail wagging excitedly.

He gave you a crumbled paper. You opened the paper and you saw something written on it. The letters weren't clear since the paper wasn't in a good condition but you tried to read it.

'..... wished he could comfort his friend but he was asking himself the same questions. He was ... and c..... too, he tried not show it for his ....nd's sake'

Jimin: "I tried to get you the whole chapter but I couldn't find it I only found this paper crumbled on her desk". He said his ears dropping.

Jimin: "ooh, I think I read in her notes that the chapter will be out soon, is it tomorrow? Or the day after, I can't remember". He said wagging his fluffy tail waiting for you to praise him for what he had accomplished for you.

Y/N: "_____".

Jimin's smile got wider, fluffy ears fluttering. Then he rushed and hugged you while giggling.

Author-nim: "awww, How cute!". She said making Jimin who was clinging to you blush and hide his face into your neck.

You lifted your head up catching her red handed walking out the kitchen chewing on one of your snacks. She froze when you glared at her.

Author-nim: "what? I'm stress eating". She said walking away to the front door as if she'd done nothing. At least her lashes are in a good shape now.

Author-nim: "Jimin you forgot your present!". She shouted by the front door.

Jimin gasped and perked his head up. He ran to the front door. Two seconds later he came inside with the plastic bag you saw earlier, author-nim following behind.

Jimin: "here, I brought you my favorite snack." He said wagging his tail.

You opened the plastic bag and saw caramel popcorn inside.

Y/N: "______".

Jimin giggled shyly, his fluffy ears dropping down.

Author-nim: "you know what Jimin told me? He said these are sweet but not as sweet as my (Y/N)". She said and burst into loud ringing laugh that echoed throughout the room.

Her laugh fade away when she looked at your puzzled face.

Author-nim: "oh dear, you still have no idea don't you?". She said wiping a tear off the corner of her eye.

Jimin perked his fluffy ears looking tense as he stared at her.

Author-nim: "you don't know that Jimin lo-". She tried to say something but Jimin rushed in and blocked her mouth with his hand and chuckled nervously.

Jimin: "haha author-nim I think you're late for your job interview". He said pushing her towards the front door.

She mumbled under his hand struggling to speak and she was able to talk when he finally pushed her out.

Author-nim: "you should let me plan the wedding!". She shouted out before Jimin shut the door at her face.

Jimin turned around smiling nervously.

Jimin: "did you understand a word coming from her? I didn't haha". He asked and tried to laugh but it didn't last for long.

Y/N: "_______".

Jimin: "oh, don't mind her, she always talk non sense when she's nervous". He said and chuckled.

Jimin: "anyways, let's watch a movie, there's this movie I wanted to watch with you". He said changing the subject.

He skipped to the TV with his fluffy tail wagging happily behind him and hurried sitting beside you on the sofa as soon as the movie started. He rested his head on your lap grabbing your hand placing it on top of his head, while you continued petting him earning soft purrs from him.



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