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You placed the food you made on the table. You asked The hybrid to sit on the chair when you saw him attempting to sit on the floor. He didn't hesitate to obey you. As you both took a seat you looked at him smiling, "you haven't told me your name" you said. "My name is Jimin", he said. "Nice to meet you Jimin", you replied. He smiled at you and with his puffed eyes and red nose from crying earlier, he looked very cute.

As you started eating your food, you looked at him, he was watching you resting his chin on his hand instead of eating. "Jimin? You don't like the food? Do you want me to get you something else?", you asked thinking maybe you should've made omelette instead of pancakes. He looked at you and his ears went flat on his head. He seemed to do that a lot whenever he felt down or nervous. "No it's not that, the food smells really nice", he said while grabbing his fluffy tail to his lap and nervously played with it. "Then why are you not eating?", you asked. "I'm not supposed to eat until you're finished", he answered. Seriously? Is this how they used to treat him? You were frustrated.

You took a deep breath and reached your hand to held his gently. He smiled at your warm touch. "Jimin, listen" you leaned closer while thinking of the words you were about to say, "while you're with me, I want you to act freely, live freely, there are no rules to follow or restrict you, you can do whatever you want and whenever you like", you spoke these words hoping that he will be able to see the world with a different perspective than the way he used to. He looked into your eyes. His face was serious as he kept looking at you. His ears perking up listening to every word you said. You seemed to be keeping on impressing him each time. He squeezed your hand gently before he nodded and gave you his adorable smile.

You watched him, while holding in your laugh, as he dig into his food. He looked really hungry. He chocked on his food after he stuffed his mouth with a big piece of pancakes. You handed him a glass of water and rubbed his back gently. He quickly drank it all in one shot. He looked at you blushing in embarrassment, "I- I'm sorry", he said. "No need to apologize. I'm glad to see you enjoying the food" you said while wiping the sauce off of the corner of his plump lips with your thumb. He looks happy whenever you attempt to touch him. His ears would relax with a smile on his face and his tail would flick back and forth. He looks adorable whenever he does that it makes your heart melt.

Jimin helped you clean-up the dishes. He seemed to have experience in these kind of things you didn't need to teach him. When you were done you went to the living room with him following you. You turned on the TV and gestured for Jimin to sit beside you. He gladly did and grabbed his fluffy tail with both hands to his lap.

As you both watched the TV you wanted to talk to him, know him better. "How are you feeling, Jimin?", you asked. He gave you a quick glance before answering, "better", he said. "Does your wound gives you pain?" You asked. He kept his gaze on the TV while you were looking at his chubby cheeks fighting the urge to pinch them. "It does, but it's not too painful, I can handle it", he answered. What a brave little fox. It makes your heart warm to see this cutie acting tough even though he's been through a lot. " tell me Jimin, how did you end up with this wound?", you felt his body tensing at your question. You regret asking thinking that maybe you shouldn't have brought this up.

He looked down at his lap for a moment before he spoke, "my master stabbed me with a knife", he sounded choked up fighting his own tears. You felt sympathy and anger overwhelmed you as you kept listening to his story. "I was grounded for not completing a task he ordered me to do. He didn't feed me for three days. I was starving so I sneaked to the kitchen at night and ate the leftovers I found in the fridge." He gulped and his hands that was grabbing on his tail tightened. His ears moved backwards, "Apparently, he wasn't sleeping that night, he found me in the kitchen. He punished me hard, it was my first time fighting back, he grabbed a knife when I didn't obey him and stabbed me with it. He left me laying on the kitchen floor to grab something to tie me up with, he wanted to lock me in the dark basement as always, I hate it there. I managed to escape when he left, if he didn't make me starve I wouldn't have disobeyed him". A tear ran down his cheek. Your heart ached at his sad looking face. How long has he been living like this? It's not fair.

You reached your hand and wiped his tears. " Jimin, I'm proud of you". He looked at you surprised. You gave him a soft smile. "Why?", he asked confused. "Because you fought back, because you are brave, because you stood up for yourself, no one deserves to be treated that way and you fought to make it stop, you need to know that he was wrong he should be punished for what he did to you". His tears stopped. His eyes locked on yours. You leaned closer and cupped his cute chubby cheeks with your both hands. They were so soft. "What you did was right and you've made the right decision to escape, you should never regret your choice, and stop calling him master he is not your master, that jerk is no one."

For a long moment he kept looking into your eyes. His chocolate eyes with his wet eyelashes looked deep into your soul. You found it hard to understand how someone can treat this little angel like that. If you had met him earlier. If you were just the one who bought him from the shelter before that monster did then he wouldn't have experienced all of this. You would have showed him that the world is a better place. He would have been happier. You felt guilt and sad at how things turned out for him. He finally opened his plump lips to speak, "Y/N". You smiled before you reply, "hmm?". You saw his eyes lit up as he spoke. "I'm glad You found me that night". You chuckled and pulled him close for a hug. He didn't hesitate to hug you back. "Me too, Jimin", you said. He nuzzled into your neck and inhaled your scent. His warm breath tickled you. You felt him smiling against your neck.



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Isn't he super cute!!!! This baby needs protection and you got to be careful with his feelings too he is so soft and sensitive, he could get hurt so easily.

Don't forget to vote!!

Love you 💕💕

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