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(not story related)

Taking your Jacket off as you just arrived home you noticed a pair of shoes that you're one hundred precent sure that it does not belong to you, too big for your small feet it looked like it belongs to a male. Did Jimin break in again? You thought. but you can't jump into conclusions, what if it wasn't Jimin?

Being too cautious you grabbed a pan from the kitchen and headed to your room where you thought you heard something.

You opened the door very carefully and peeked inside, you saw nothing. You stepped inside while looking around and you found no one. Were you imagining things? Putting the pan away You began to doubt yourself.

But you got startled when the bathroom door opened!

You jumped and screamed making the intruder scream as well. You looked at the familiar figure.

Y/N: "J-Jimin!"

The little fox looked terrified as he kept staring at you with eyes wide open. His hair was damp his fringe was covering his forehead some strands covered his eyes as water kept dripping from it.

Jimin: "w-why are you screaming (Y/N)?". He asked.

Y/N: "you scared the shi** out of me". you said as you took a deep breath trying to calm your poor heart.

Jimin: " oh, I'm sorry". He said lowering his head.

You were about to ask him why is he here when you just realized what he was wearing.

Y/N:" that my bathrobe?". You asked pointing at the fluffy pink bathrobe he was wearing that looked too small on him. (Or whatever your bathrobe color is, or let's assume it's pink for the sake of cuteness)

Jimin: "Uh y-yeah, I just took a shower..umm, the heater at our place doesn't work author-nim been trying to fix it..". He said and lifted his head up to look at you, his ears dropped.

Jimin: "your not mad at me for using your bathroom, right? I-I swear I won't do it again if it bothers you". He said staring at you with glossy eyes afraid that you'll hate him.

Y/N: "________". (Pick your line).

Jimin' ears perked up listening to every word you said. Then he lowered his gaze.

Jimin: "still, I should've asked your permission first". He said his tone full of regret.

Y/N: "_________"

Jimin looked at you and smiled brightly he was about to say something but got interrupted when he shivered and sneezed shaking his head a little bit in the process. Then he sneezed again and a third time stumbling backwards and falling back on his bottom.

Y/N: "oh my god, are you alright?". You asked worryingly as you helped him get up and sit on your bed.

Jimin: "I'm just a bit cold". He said and sniffed.

Y/N: "you need to dress up quickly, where are your clothes?". You asked as you looked around.

Jimin: "oh, I-I forgot to bring clean clothes". He said while looking up at you with his big puppy eyes that was filled with regret when he realized his stupid mistake, his ears dropping down.

Y/N:"what? But you'll be freezing". You said.

Jimin: "it's ok, I'll just hug you and you'll keep me warm". He giggled and pulled you to him hugging your waist burying his face into your belly.

Y/N: "it's not enough, I need to find something for you to wear". You said and released yourself from his grip and headed to your closet.

Jimin' ears dropped as he watched you walking away he just wanted an excuse to hug you. He let out a sigh.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now