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You entered the coffee shop that wasn't so far from where you live. You decided to surprise Jimin with hot chocolate since he hasn't woken up yet. yesterday wasn't easy for him he was very distressed all night, he kept waking you up holding you tightly terrified whenever thunder started rumbling outside until the storm had calmed down. and as for you what could be more suitable than to start your day with a nice cup of your favorite coffee.

You were waiting for your order when you noticed two handsome men being a bit loud.

....: "I can't believe you, how could you forget, you're supposed to buy me coffee, didn't I pay last time?".

...: "I'm sorry hope-ah, I thought I had the money I think I lost it somewhere". Said the taller man while looking confused he kept emptying his pockets looking for what you guessed his money.

....: "aish... when will you learn namjoon-ah? you always keep forgetting stuff, step aside looks like I'm paying again". Said the other guy, he inserted his hand in his pocket but then he froze.

....: "yah, namjoon-ah, I forgot my wallet, we're screwed". He said and giggled in embarrassment.

....:" and you were lecturing me a second ago". He said and laughed, two cute dimples showing on each side of his cheeks.

....: "yah seriously what should we do?".

...: "I'll call hyung". Said the taller man as he took his phone out, but the other smacked his head.

...: "are you insane?! Do you have a death wish?! It's his nap time you can never ever interrupt". He said scolding the taller one.

You giggled at the scene in front of you they both looked funny as they were arguing. They turned and looked at you. Opps! it seems they heard you since you were standing next to them.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdropping". you said as you tried to suppress your giggles.

.....: " it's ok, I think we were too loud" he said and smiled brightly at you, he then turned and glared at his friend, "it's your fault namjoon-ah , you made us look like fools in front of the beautiful lady".

....: "look who's talking, the one who forgot his wallet". He said and glared back at his friend making you chuckle at how childish they were.

They were interrupted by the cashier who was waiting patiently for the pay. They both looked troubled as none of them has money to pay.

Y/N: "I'll pay". You said and stepped in.

They both looked at you surprised at the offer.

.....: "thank you miss but you don't need to do this". Said the taller guy.

Y/N: "it's alright, consider it as a thank you for lightening up my mood so early in the morning". You said and smiled.

Namjoon: "it's so nice of you, I'm Kim Namjoon by the way" he said and offered a handshake.

Namjoon: "it's so nice of you, I'm Kim Namjoon by the way" he said and offered a handshake

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