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pushing the cart as your eyes scanned the shelf searching for the ingredients you wrote on the list. pepper powder, garlic powder, and many different kind of Spices you see but no sign for the one you're searching for.

Y/N: "Oh, no barbecue spice here". you say in annoyance while you pouted.


a soft sneeze interrupted your thoughts made you stop and shift your eyes to the one walking beside you.

a soft sneeze interrupted your thoughts made you stop and shift your eyes to the one walking beside you

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the fluffy orange ears were pressed down against his head. He sniffed as he was covering his nose with his sleeve. his small pink finger tips were the only part that was revealed from his hand inside his long sleeve as his baggy top was loose on his frame. his fluffy ears perked up in alert noticing that you stopped walking. he paused and lifted his gaze up to meet your concerning eyes.

His teary eyes stared back for a moment before he pulled his hand down revealing his tiny red nose. he smiled at you, his cheeks lifted up making his eyes squeezing turning into a crescent shape causing the tears that lingered in them spill and ran the sides of his face.

Jimin: "I'm okay" he said trying to convince you.

Y/N: "you're not, obviously" you said unconvinced.

He stopped smiling and lowered his gaze. His fluffy ears dropped in disappointment, he failed to convince you. he moved his hand up again to cover his nose.

Y/N: "you know that's not helping you much" you said.

His puppy eyes met your eyes again, his eyebrows brought together sadly making your heart ache at the sight. (🥺)

Y/N: "Jimin, please I told you to not follow me here, your nose is too sensitive you can't handle the strong smell, just wait for me over there" you said pointing to a spot that is far from the spice section you were in.

Jimin: "no, i'm fine". he said shaking his head, his voice was muffled.

Y/N: "I don't get why you're torturing yourself." you said and let out a sigh.

Jimin: "cuz I love you, I don't wanna leave you" he said bluntly while he was pouting.

your heart skipped a beat. here he goes again attacking your heart and taking you off guard. does he have to say it so cutely though? was that necessary? you started to feel the heat rising up in your cheeks and you looked away before he can witness the blush on your cheeks.

a low chuckle coming from the sly fox beside you assuring that he already saw it but you didn't want to admit it as you continue pushing the cart forward.

Y/N: "oh no, we still have to get some chicken. I thought this one was the last." you said as you were looking at the list in your hand.

Jimin: "don't be sad (Y/N), I can go and get some" he said exactly what you wanted him to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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