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You shifted on the couch. It wasn't comfortable your back hurts. Trying to get used to the stiffness, you covered yourself with the blanket.  Jimin's pouty face came to your mind. You chuckled, he looks even more cuter when he's all grumpy. Earlier, you had a hard time convincing him to sleep on your bed, which he strongly disagreed with. He wanted to swap places he didn't like the idea of you sleeping on the couch. He was stubborn, it took you an hour to convince him. He was still injured you want him to get as much rest as possible and sleeping here on the couch, as he suggested, wouldn't do him any good.

Sleep slowly started to steal your conscious. As you closed your eyes feeling the sleep taking over you, you heard a sound of a door opening and faint footsteps coming your way. You were too tired to open your eyes and see who was walking around your apartment.

Someone removed the blanket that covered you. Your body shivered from the cold breeze you felt. You groaned and curled up to prevent your body from shivering. You heard a low chuckle before a hand slipped behind your back and another under your knees. Suddenly, you were lifted up gently. The movement startled you causing your eyes to flutter open. Jimin's face was so close to yours. it was dark but you managed to see his side profile in the dim light.

Y/N: "Jimin?". You said. You saw the surprise on his face when he looked at you.

Jimin: "you're awake? I thought you were sleeping". He chuckled.

Y/N: "I was, until you interrupted".

Jimin: "I tried to be quiet, I'm so sorry for waking you up". He apologized and leaned his head resting his forehead on yours before he looked in front of him and started walking.

You realized what he was doing. He was taking you to your bed. You failed to convince him after all. You took a deep sigh before you spoke.

Y/N: "you're so stubborn you know that". He chuckled and looked at you.

Jimin: "no, I'm doing exactly what you told me". he said.

Y/N: "and I told you to sleep on the bed"

Jimin: "you told me I can do whatever I want and whenever I like". He smirked.

His words shut you. This smart little muffin is using your own words against you. Too tired to argue back, you just stayed quiet. You can tell that he was feeling victorious as his smile got wider when you didn't say a word. You rested your head on his shoulder as he continued walking to your room.

He placed you on the bed and covered your body with the blanket. Finally some real rest. The bed felt so comfortable healing your aching back. Jimin was about to leave but you grabbed his wrist. He looked at you, his ears perked up.

Y/N: "if you're planning to sleep on that couch I suggest you cross that idea from your head". He stared at you looking a bit confused.

Y/N: " you can sleep here Jimin". You said and you made a space for him.

Jimin: "a-are you sure? I mean is that ok?". He sounded surprised by your offer.

Y/N: " Jimin, if you sleep there I'll start worrying about you, so it's better if you sleep here". You reassured.

He looked excited as he hurried and jumped beside you. He snuggled into the blanket and looked at you trying not to show that he was super excited.

Y/N: "good night Jimin". You said and ruffled his hair before you turned to sleep.

Adjusting to the warmth of the blanket you felt relaxed. It took you a while to start to drift off to sleep. But before you were fully asleep you felt Jimin behind you shifting closer to you. His muscled arms slowly slipped around your waist and he slowly pulled you close to his chest. You felt his hand stroking your hair. This simple movement made you feel more relaxed. He must be thinking you were sleeping.

Jimin: "I worry about you too (Y/N), please get well soon". He said in a soft whisper.

He sensed your distress from the beginning. He noticed you spacing out in deep thoughts very frequently. He felt your unhappiness but you try to hide it with a smile. It makes him worry so much. He wished that you would tell him why do you keep feeling like this but you refused to talk about it when he asked. He didn't want to bother you though thinking that you would tell him when you're ready and he would be there to comfort you.

He buried his face into your hair and inhaled your scent. He loved your scent it makes him feel safe and secure. He was grateful for all the things you did for him. You were always so kind and gave him the love and care that he longed for since he was very young. He waited for someone like you his entire life and finally you showed up. You meant the world to him he would do anything to make you happy.

He took strands of your hair in his hand and kissed it before placing another kiss on top of your head.

Jimin: "good night my Angel". He whispered and held you closer in his arms.

That was the last word you heard before sleeping took over you, .... Angel.



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To be continued...

Votes 👏🏻👏🏻

Love you 💕💕

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