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You woke up feeling your face buried into something warm. You opened your eyes, the first thing you saw was a neck and a sharp jawline. You recognized this particular jawline it was Jimin's. You saw his adam apple moving as he swallowed. You realized you were sleeping in his arms your face was buried into his neck. Your heart skipped a beat.

You looked up at his face, he was in a deep sleep, his plumb lips slightly parted and his eyes were closed. His chubby cheeks looked puffier than the usual, especially the side that was squished against the pillow. You couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped your lips at his adorable face. You put your hand on your mouth immediately suppressing your chuckle when his ears twitched at the sound. You didn't want to wake him up from his peaceful sleep.

You reached your hand to his muscled arm, that was around your waist trying to release yourself from his embrace. You removed his arm carefully so you don't wake him up, but the hybrid' senses was sharper than you thought. He groaned in his sleep and wrapped his arms securely around you. He shifted his position to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck while placing one leg above you. He was hugging you as if you were his teddy bear. You were trapped under him. You had no choice but to wake him up.

Y/N: "Jimin, Jimin". You said while tapping on his shoulder. After a few attempts he finally answered.

Jimin: "hmmm". He replied with a hoarse voice.

Y/N: " can you please let me go, I have to go to work today". You said which didn't make him very happy.

Jimin: "but I don't want you to go". He said lazily pouting while his eyes still closed.

Y/N: " if I don't go, I'll be kicked out from my job and we'll both starve to death". You said,  he was quiet, he didn't look like he was going to move.

Y/N: "I promise I'll buy you ice cream". You said.

That seemed to get his attention as his ears perked up before he lifted his head up and looked at you. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. But what caused you to burst out laughing was when you looked at his hair. His messy hair was going in every direction on top of his head it looked hilarious and adorable at the same time.

Y/N: "oh my god, Jimin you look so cute!". You said while laughing and squeezing his soft chubby cheeks with your hands.

He smiled when you cupped his cheeks and started purring. His ears dropped in relaxation and his tail started wagging. He really makes it hard for you to go to work. You just want to stay here with him and pet him all day. But you have to get up.

Jimin: " promise me you'll come back". He asked as he rested his head on your hand looking at you.

Y/N: "I promise Jimin, don't worry". You said.

Even though you reassured him you'll be back, but he looked sad that he had to let you go. He likes being this close to you and hugging you. He likes it when you touch him it brings butterflies to his stomach. It makes him feel that he's loved and cared for. No one ever did give him the attention he had always wanted until he met you. He felt like you cared for him. You were the nicest person he had ever met. As much as he hated to be separated from you, he didn't want to bother you. He wanted to be a good boy for you so you would keep loving him all the time.

He released you from his hold and moved aside giving you space. You thanked him and got up heading to the bathroom. He hugged the pillow that you slept on. It held your scent he hoped it will help heal the heaviness he felt in his chest caused by your separation.

You took a quick shower and wore your clothes. You went back to your room to brush your hair. Jimin was still in the bed holding your pillow while he continued sleeping. You walked to your dresser and opened the drawer to get your brush. Your heart ached at the thing you saw in the drawer. It was the necklace that your ex gave you on your birthday. You thought you got rid of everything that belonged to him, but how did you forget this. You felt your eyes burning from the tears that are starting to well up. But that jerk doesn't deserve your tears. Feeling the anger building up inside you, you took the necklace and throw it in the trash nearby.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now