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The hybrid was stronger than he looked. You figured he'll pass out while you were stitching his wound but he proved you wrong. You tried to be as gentle as you can, but you can't stop the pain he was getting. He would let out a whimper from time to time but mostly you watched him grabbing on the blanket with his hand making a fist trying to suppress his cries.

After you were done, he was all sweaty and breathing heavily. You couldn't ignore the fact that he has a well built body. His chest was muscular along with the six pack on his abdomen, not to mention the muscles on his arms. But what broke your heart was the scars on his body. You can tell that he was abused by his owner. It frustrated you knowing that abusing hybrids was common and most people don't acknowledge that as a problem. You may saved one but what about the other hybrids that are suffering right now and no one is there to help them, the idea saddened you.

You grabbed painkiller pills and a glass of water. You gave it to the hybrid with the glass of water and helped him drink. Then you took off his shoes and covered his body with a blanket. As you were adjusting the pillow under his head, you took a look at his cute face he was already sleeping, poor thing he must be really exhausted. You didn't notice this earlier but he has a sharp jawline. How can he be cute and masculine at the same time? Everything about his looks was conflicting. You looked at his closed eyes you remembered how he looked at you when you first met him with his terrified brown eyes. Your motherly instinct turned on at that moment you wanted to protect him at all costs. You brushed his soft orange hair with your fingers revealing his forehead and you whispered, "sweet dreams little fox", you placed a kiss on his forehead before leaving your room.

That night you decided to sleep on the couch since you don't have a spare room in your apartment. After taking a shower you went to the living room, with a blanket and a pillow in each of your arms, you lay on the couch. You turned the TV on and lowered the volume you didn't want to wake the hybrid fox. Too many things happened in one day. You feel tired both physically and mentally. You didn't want to think about the breakup. You've reached the point of accepting reality that it's over and time will heal your wounds. You slowly started to drift away in a deep sleep.

The next day, the hybrid's condition got worse he didn't wake up. He had a fever that re-occured repeatedly. You even stayed up all night checking his temperature and making sure the towel on his forehead still cool. You held his hand it was warm as you expected. You hoped he'll get better soon as you sat next to the bed on the floor resting your head on the mattress holding his hand.


The light disturbed your sleep. You were too lazy to get up and slide the curtains to prevent the sunshine from entering the room. you feel exhausted you need more sleep. You turned your body to the other side of the bed covering your eyes with the blanket. You were trying to go back to sleep when you heard someone showering in your bathroom. You removed the blanket away from your face and looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was 11 am. Who is showering in my bathroom? You thought. Is it your boyfriend? But then you remembered the breakup and the memories ruined your mood. You also remembered the incident after that. The hybrid had a fever and you slept on the floor looking after him. When did you end up sleeping on the bed? Earlier, you felt a pair of strong arms lift you up but you thought you were dreaming.

Your bathroom door opened and a man, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, walked inside your room. You stared at him despite the fact that his body was perfect, it was hard to believe that he looks well and healthy comparing with how he was yesterday. How many days have you slept exactly? "H-how come you can stand?", your question sounded foolish but he seemed to be getting the point, "hybrids heal fast" his voice was soft and calming, honestly you can hear him talk all day and never get bored. Registering what he said, you remembered studying hybrids and the fast healing ability that they have during university. It's amazing how their body works differently from humans. They are much stronger physically but they have a soft personality, which most humans take advantage of.

"I hope you don't mind me using your shower"' he murmured. His ears were flat on his head as he looked down on the floor. "Oh, it's ok, I don't mind", you said. You looked at the bandage on his abdomen it was soaked with water you may need to change it. He took a quick glance at you before speaking,"I- I don't have clean clothes". You realized he was right. You walked to your drawer knowing that your ex left some clothes their. You managed to find a pair of boxers, a white shirt and jeans. It would look big on him but it'll do until you get him new clothes you honestly don't want him to be wearing his clothes reminding you of him. You want to get rid of everything that belonged to him. You wanted him out of your life for good.

You handed him the clothes before you headed to the bathroom taking a shower and freshen up. After you put on clean clothes you left your room. You found the hybrid sitting on the couch wearing the jeans and the white shirt that he left it unbuttoned. He heard you coming in and stood up. "I-I don't know how to do it", he pointed at the buttons on his white shirt. Oh my, this little fox is a real baby. He was avoiding eye contact keeping his head down as if he was expecting a scold. You smiled and walked closer to him, "it's ok, I'll teach you". His head perked up ears straight on top of his head, he looked at you surprised, "you're not mad at me?" He asked. Your heart ached at his question. How often does he get scolded? "Why would I? It's ok to not know things, it's not your fault you did nothing wrong", you said. He looked at you eyes wide and almost sparkling. He didn't expect you to say that.

Before you started buttoning up his shirt you remembered that you needed to change his bandage. " can I change your bandage? It's not good to leave it wet." You said and he seemed more shocked that you asked for his permission, "huh? Uh y-yeah you can", he said.

You brought clean bandage and asked him to sit down. You sat on the table in front of the couch and leaned close to him. You took off the old bandage and you were surprised to see his wound almost healed. You haven't treated a hybrid before, you haven't seen a wound heal so fast. "Is it that bad?" He asked. Realizing that you were staring for too long you chuckled and looked back at him. He looked at you with worried eyes. "No not at all, actually I'm very impressed your wound is almost healed". You watched as his face brightened and he gave you the most adorable smile causing his eyes to disappear.

After cleaning the wound and placing a new bandage on, you showed him how to button up his shirt. He watched you with much interest as if it was his first time someone taught him something useful. You started from the bottom until you reach the top. You left the last two unbuttoned. "And thats how you do it" you smiled at him. He looked at you his expression softening.

"You must be hungry", you said and stood up heading to the kitchen. But before you leave he grabbed your wrist. You turned to face him, you were about to ask him what he wanted but he crushed you in his embrace before you even make a sound. He held you tight pulling you closer to his muscular chest. "Thank you, ...thank you for everything". He said and sobbed. You didn't know what to say he was crying. You wrapped your arms around him and held him tight. A hand gently drawing circles on his back calming him down. "Shh.., it's ok, everything will be fine". You said and kept holding him waiting for him to calm down.



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