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Warning: the content of this chapter maybe sensitive. You can skip the part that has (**), if you you're not comfortable with it.


You were driving your way home. Today work was very stressful. You had to deal with too many patients you didn't get the time to rest. You take your job very seriously you even skipped your break to help out.

You took a deep sigh clearing your mind. At least now I'll get to see my little muffin, you thought and you felt much better. You wondered what he's doing right now he must be really bored. You remembered you've promised to buy him Ice Cream. You stopped by a nearby Ice cream shop and bought his favorite flavor. You can't wait to see him getting all excited over it. You smiled at the thought of his happy face.

You arrived at your apartment building. Getting out of the elevator you were so excited to see Jimin you missed him so much. But who you saw standing on your apartment door made your heart fall into your feet. You were shocked you stumbled backwards wanting to escape from this place but your body wasn't responding to you. The last person on earth you wanted to see is standing right in front of you.

Your ex noticed your presence, he turned around and looked at you.

You just stood there frozen in place while still holding the ice cream cup you bought for Jimin in your hand.

Ex: "hey (Y/N)". He was the first to break the awkward silence.

Y/N: "what are you doing here?". You spoke in a deep tone, you were surprised of how harsh your tone sounded even though you tried to keep it calm.

He stepped closer to you but you stood still refusing to be budge by what ever he's trying to do.

Ex: "I've missed you'. He said and the image of him kissing that girl passionately flashed in your head.

Y/N: "liar". You said and he chuckled making the blood starts boiling inside you.

Ex: "why would I lie to the one I love". He said and you literally wanted to throw up, you know for certain that he was lying, plus you don't feel love for him anymore. He must have noticed that as his expression changed when his words didn't affect you.

Y/N: "you're here for the money I promised to give you, well, things have changed now, and guess what? I'm breaking that promise, you're not getting anything from me". You felt much better speaking out your mind and watching him as he got frustrated.

** But  you were shocked when he rushed and pushed you back on the wall and making the Ice cream cup slip from your grip and fall on the floor spilling all over.

** You were scared you felt your heart racing so fast in your chest. you pushed him with all your force. He stumbled backwards, you tried to escape but he grabbed you and pushed you against the wall again trapping you this time. Your back slammed against the wall with a loud impact causing the air to escape from your lungs. You've pissed him off, it was clearly he was going to hurt you. How could you defend yourself while you were trapped like that. No matter how hard you push he was stronger than you. You couldn't even scream he was closing your mouth with his hand preventing you. No one was around at this hour to help you. You felt helpless tears started to form in your eyes.

Suddenly. You heard a door opening so loudly and in a split second your ex was knocked down on the floor and whimpering in pain.

Jimin stood there breathing heavily his eyes flared with anger as his gaze was fixed on your ex who got up on his feet quickly.

Jimin: "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER?!!". Jimin screamed at him, his voice echoing, you can see his veins showing on his tensed neck. You were shocked, you just witnessed a completely different side of him that you would never guessed he had.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now