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You guys keep making me smile. I wanna tell you something I'm not sure if I told you before but I'm just gonna say it. *taking a deep breath*, I FREAKIN LOVE YOU ALL!!!

*clears her throat*

I feel much better now.

alright, let's go back to the story.

Enjoy 💓


Sun rays escaped through the window giving a bright sunshine light into your room. Slowly, you opened your eyes after a long restful sleep. You heard the birds chirping outside as you kept your gaze on the window in front of you. You felt a movement from behind, you turned around to see Jimin trying to snuggle into you while keeping his eyes firmly shut. You reached your hand to his messy hair and you gently started stroking it. He finally managed to find your neck and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.

 He finally managed to find your neck and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck

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His tiny nose was brushing against your neck. It was tickling as he kept nuzzling further trying to find a comfortable spot. You giggled.

Y/N: "Fluff head, stop". You said and giggled while trying to stop his head from moving.

Jimin: "but it's too bright". He said lazily with a raspy voice.

Y/N: "alright, I'll go close the window". You said.

You tried to get up but Jimin quickly wrapped his arms securely around your waist and held you in place.

Y/N: "Jimin?".

Jimin: "don't go". He said faintly, you wouldn't have heard him if his plump lips weren't nuzzled so close to your ear.

Y/N: "you complain about how bright it is yet you don't want me to go close the window". You said to him but he kept resting his head on you and didn't reply.

Y/N: "aigoo, big baby what do I do with you?hmm?" You said and ruffled his hair.

Jimin chuckled but he stopped himself immediately. He thought if he kept pretending to be sleeping you would be convinced and you would let him cuddle you. But he didn't know that he was too obvious, you know he was laughing quietly. You decided to let him have what he wanted, after all you have a soft spot for him you can never say no to this fluff ball.

Y/N: "looks like my precious boy went back to sleep". You said while looking at his fluffy tail.

As you expected, his tail started wagging excitingly. He probably thinks that he's a good actor now, but he doesn't know his tail always gave him away. It took your whole strength to not burst out laughing and crush him in your arms at how adorable he is.

You pulled the blanket over his body covering his back properly. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you. You haven't even started stroking his soft hair when you heard him purring quietly. You chuckled and placed a soft kiss on top of his head. He smells just like strawberry milk. His hair felt so soft while you kept brushing it with your fingers. he started breathing softly. His arms, that were once holding you close to him, loosened a bit. It seems that your fluffy baby boy drifted off to sleep.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now