Don't Leave Me

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You and Jimin left the shop carrying bags of clothes. You bought too much for him. He literally looks good in every outfit you've picked for him, you couldn't decide which one looked better so you've bought it all. Jimin looked happy and excited. He kept humming some tune you didn't recognize as you were walking your way out of the mall. He didn't seemed nervous from the crowd as he was before. You assumed he forgot about his fear which made you relieved.

Reaching to your car you've placed the bags on the ground to search for the keys in your bag. A thought snapped in your mind, you forgot to buy him a collar! He can't wander around without one or else he will be mistaken by a stray and will be put back to the shelter.

Y/N: "Jimin, I forgot to buy something, wait here, I'll be quick". You said and started running back to the mall without noticing the panic in his face.

Looking at the black collar you've picked for him, you smiled wondering if he's gonna like it. You went back to the car you found the bags were still on the ground where you left it. You looked around you didn't see Jimin. You shouted his name many times but no answer from him. You began to panic.

You headed back to the mall again and looked everywhere for him. This can't be happening. You didn't take too long how can he disappear just like that. He doesn't know the area around maybe he got lost. You can't even report to the police you're not his rightful owner, at least not yet. Or perhaps....he got caught? Fear overwhelmed you. You shouldn't have left him. Stupid stupid me, I should've known better, you thought. Tears began to form in your eyes. If only you could turn back time. If only you stayed with him instead. None of this would've happened. You grew attached to the fox, his smile sends happiness to your soul. He made you forget your pain, thinking that you may not see him again made you feel heaviness in your chest.

Suddenly, two arms wrapped securely around your waist pulling you closer to a built chest. His chest was pressed tightly against your back. You didn't need to turn around to know who was holding you, he smells just like your body wash. Jimin nuzzled his face into the back of your neck. You heard a sob escaped from his lips.

Jimin: "don't leave me". He said between his sobs, his body shaking.

Y/N: "I'm sorry". You said fighting your own tears.

Jimin: "don't you ever leave me". He said more eagerly this time.

You turned your body while he was still holding you afraid to let you go. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him close and stroked his fluffy hair. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.

Y/N: " I'm so sorry, Jimin, it's ok I'm right here, I promise I won't do that again". You said hoping he will calm down. But that only made him hold you even tighter than before. He was almost crushing you. Burying his face deeper into your neck as if he wanted to feel you right here in his arms.

Y/N: "J-Jimin, I can't breathe". You said, half choked.

He perked his head up looking at you before he loosened his grip. He didn't realize he was choking you. Tears were running down his cheeks. Red nose and swollen lips. His worried eyes scanned your face.

Jimin: "are you alright?". He said with a raspy voice.

Y/N: "I'll be if you stopped crying". You said and cupped his soft chubby cheeks wiping his tears with your thumbs. His tensed arms around your waist relaxed. His knitted eyebrows smoothed out. Your touch made him feel at ease. Both of you stayed in this position for a long moment before you spoke interpreting the comfortable silence.

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