Friend or foe?

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you guys are amazing 😂😂. I couldn't stop laughing at your comments in the previous chapter. You played it so well. 👏🏻👏🏻😂

I was just wondering if you found it fun as I did, or was it just annoying and you're only interested in the main story?

I want to hear your opinion so I'll know if I should stop doing it or continue writing fun chapters like these.

And don't you ever forget that I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! 💜💜💜💜💜

Enjoy~ <3


Waking up to the beautiful sound of the birds chirping was something you're used to everyday. But what you're not used to was feeling a warm hand caressing your cheek. You slowly opened your sleepy eyes and Jimin's handsome face was the first thing your eyes fell on. He was looking at you with adoring eyes, his warm hand was on your cheek as his thumb was gently moving against the soft skin of your cheek. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized the situation you were in. How long has he been watching me sleeping?

Jimin's thumb stopped moving when his eyes met yours. His soft eyes looked at you for a long moment before the corners of his plump lips moved upwards in a smile. You didn't realize you were comfortable with his warm hand on your cheek until he removed it, a cold sensation replaced his gentle warmth.

Jimin: "good morning, angel". He said, hearing his soft voice you can't help but feel warm and soft inside your chest.

Y/N: "morning, Jiminie". You said and smiled back at him.

Jimin: "did I ever tell you how much I love your smile". He said after taking a moment admiring your smile. His smile got wider making his eyes turn into crescent shape.

That's new, since when this shy baby started praising you, he rarely speak out his mind. Usually you're the one who likes to praise him all the time. You like the way he shyly blush over your simple words. Sometimes he would burry his face into your shoulder to prevent you from looking at his flushed cheeks. Other times, he would giggle and look away or just hug you instead.

Y/N: "you like my smile? That's funny, because I like your smile too, I think you're so adorable when you smile". You said and chuckled.

You watched him while holding in your laugh as he was starting to blush, a repeatedly thump sound in the background indicating that his tail is wagging in a fast motion and hitting against the mattress.

He smiled shyly while his cheeks were tinted with bright red, he leaned closer nuzzling his face into your neck. You laughed and wrapped your arms around him.

Y/N: "oh Jiminie you're so cute~". You cooed and stroked the shy boy's soft hair.

You kept stroking Jimin's hair feeling his soft orange locks brushing through your fingers. You loved how smooth and silky it felt. His tail moving slowly in a relaxed motion enjoying the pettings he's getting. His faint purrs started to increase until it became audible as you continued playing with his hair.

You nuzzled your face into the orange fluff that tickled you. Even though you bought a new shampoo for him but his hair smelled just like your shampoo, you can tell he was still using yours.

Y/N: "is this my shampoo I smell in your hair?". You asked while nuzzling your nose into his hair.

Jimin being caught red-handed , he didn't answer your question instead he let out a high pitched giggles.

Y/N: "why are you still using my shampoo?". You asked trying to be as serious as possible but you couldn't hold in your chuckles that you tried so hard to suppress. He was just too adorable and hearing his giggles didn't help at all.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now