The Vet

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Jimin's condition didn't get better. He started coughing very frequently and he seemed less active than the usual. He looked tired even after he had his breakfast.

You sat on the couch and called out for Jimin to come.

Y/N: "Jimin baby, come here". You said and opened your arms for him.

Jimin smiled when he saw you even though he looked a little pale. He came with a rush while his tail was wagging happily behind him and snuggled into your arms. He tried to sit on your lap but it didn't work considering your tiny body compared with his masculine one.

Y/N: "aigoo, my giant baby, you should stop growing up, aigoo". You said playfully after you felt like being crushed under him. You pulled him over you while you laid back on the couch, when he started slipping off from your lap, making you both comfortable.

Jimin rested his head on your chest and closed his eyes after sighing while a big smile drawn into his plump lip. He felt calm and relax hearing your steady breathing going in harmony with your heartbeat it was like a melody to him, he didn't want to be anywhere else but to be in your loving arms. He felt like in heaven when You began to stroke his soft hair. It didn't take him long to start purring.

Y/N: "my poor baby~, are you tired?". You asked while rubbing his back gently. He nodded with a pout.

Y/N: "can you tell me where it hurts?" You asked.

Jimin lifted his head up and looked at you with big sad eyes. He grabbed your hand and brought it to his throat making you touch his neck.

Y/N: "here?". You asked and he nodded pouting while still looking at you with sad eyes.

Y/N: "your throat hurts? Aww Jiminie don't worry I'll take care of you". You said after you saw the tears welling up in his eyes.

Y/N: "it's going to be alright" You said and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

Jimin rested his head on your chest again and let out a deep sight. You started to stroke his hair gently.

Y/N: "baby, since you're now officially my hybrid..." you said and Jimin's tail started wagging happily making you stop talking. You giggled at the sight and placed a kiss on top of his head. He seemed very excited at the thought of you being his owner.

Y/N: "...I think we should go see a vet". You continued and his tail stopped wagging his ears dropping.

Jimin: "but I don't want to see a vet". He said with a raspy voice.

Y/N: "baby you're sick, the vet will give you something to ease the pain".

Jimin: "they're always so mean, I don't like them". He said pouting.

Y/N: "I'll be with you the whole time I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you". You reassured.

He lifted his head up and looked at you.

Jimin: "promise?" He said.

Y/N: "I promise". You said and his expression relaxed.

Y/N: "how about we go and have some hot chocolate afterwards?". You said and his face lit up with a big wide smile, his tail started wagging excitingly.

He nodded while giving you his adorable smile that melted your heart.

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