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He brushed his damp orange locks back his body aching from hours of practicing. The sweat covering his forehead before he wiped it with his pink towel...It wasn't actually his.

A smile spread across Jimin's face when his nose caught the sweet scent he admires washing off all the tiredness he had. Sweet like a flower. Taking in all the warm feelings that bloomed in his chest he relaxed and let the towel stay a little longer on his face before pulling it away and hanging it on his shoulder.

Even though he enjoys dancing but he got to admit it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. Hoseok been praising his movements which brought happiness to his heart, but he's been hard on him ever since he passed the first test he gave to his class. He thinks Jimin can do more than his classmates can thats why he was focusing on him the most.

Female and male chuckles filled the practice room taking Jimin  away from his thoughts. Everyone here were so talkative Jimin found it disturbing and uncomfortable, but that wasn't the only reason why he doesn't interact with his classmates.

Jimin sighed and bend down to grab his water bottle.

....: "umm, hi". A female voice spoke.

Jimin's fluffy ears perked up. He looked up seeing a cat hybrid standing in front of him.

He stood up holding his bottle in hand and looked at her. He didn't utter a word he just stared at her with a stoned face waiting for her to speak.

Cat hybrid: "Jimin,do you like cupcakes?". She said with an obvious blush on her face.

Jimin found it odd that she was calling him by name while he doesn't know her name at all.

Jimin: "no". He said.

it was a lie. He liked the cupcakes (Y/N) brings home after work, but for some reason he just doesn't want to give her satisfaction.

Cat hybrid: "Oh! I-I just wanted to invite you-"

Jimin: "no thanks". he said interrupting her and grabbed his backpack leaving her shocked and embarrassed.


He paused before he passed the door when his ears picked the word that was meant for him. he's been hearing it since he started attending the academy. He turned his head glancing over his shoulder.

They're doing it again. They're talking behind his back. He feels like an outcast. All of them think they are superior having no owner controlling their lives, freedom is a common topic around this place. The cat was probably the only one who tried to talk to him maybe he shouldn't be that harsh on her.

Should he care what they think about him?

Jimin sniffed when his nostrils picked a strong sweet scent. But it wasn't the faint one coming from the pink towel on his shoulder, it was a fresh and flowery that made his heart flutter and drew a smile on his face.

He rushed out the practice room ignoring the gloomy thoughts he had just now and made his way to his precious person.

Jimin: "(Y/N)!". He said as the smile grew wider on his face as soon as he spot you standing.

You stopped talking to Yoongi and turned to look at Jimin before he crushed into you wrapping his arms around you. His fluffy tail started wagging.

Y/N: "urgh! Jimin You're sweating! You didn't shower!". You said and tried to pull away.

Jimin: "but I missed you". He said pouting squeezing you tight and rubbing his head against your cheek.

His damp shirt was stuck into his built chest defining his muscles as you pushed against it stepping back.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now