Memories of the Past

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(👆🏻play the music above and enjoy🎶)


Jimin turned to the fox who held onto his gown tugging it a bit as he was looking wary around him. He looked terrified and as confused as he was.

....: "J-Jimin, why are they gathering everyone here? What are they gonna do to us?". He asked Jimin as he looked into his eyes, his Big fennec ears pressed down, his hands shaking in fear.

Jimin: "I don't know, Sungwoon, I really don't know". He answered.

Jimin wished he could comfort his friend but he was asking himself the same questions. He was scared and confused too, he tried not to show it for his friend's sake.

Why would they wake them up in the middle of the night and force everyone to gather in the test room. Jimin knows deep inside him that whatever they're planning to do with them its not gonna be pleasant.

He looked around to find his two other friends. Every hybrid fox in the room looked terrified. Some were standing looking around searching for answers trying to understand what's going on. Some others were hiding in the corner weeping making rhythmic sounds that created this cold and scary atmosphere. He looked at the glass walls that only reflects what's inside the big room they were in. He knew they're watching.

Jimin's heart kept racing in his chest his breathing was uneven. Oh how he wanted to disappear into nothingness, how much he wanted to escape this place he hated so much.

He heard about the outside world from his human hyung who works here. He told him stories that made Jimin so curious about the world. He was born here, he never knew his mother nor his father same as every hybrid living in this facility. His friends told him that the outside world is cruel because that's what they were taught and they should always listen and never disobey, but he thinks everywhere is better than this place.

His eyes caught the white fox who was trying to make his way to them through the crowd. He felt safer in his presence.

Jimin: "Look Taemin hyung is here, it's gonna be alright". He said reassuring his little friend and faking a smile that didn't last for more than two seconds.

Taemin finally reached them and let out a breath.

Taemin: "you guys ok?". He asked with worry in his eyes.

Jimin: "yea-"

Sungwoon: "no hyung, we're scared". He interrupted Jimin with his big ears dropping down and tears welling up in his eyes.

 He interrupted Jimin with his big ears dropping down and tears welling up in his eyes

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Jimin went quiet he didn't deny it. He was scared too he couldn't fool Sungwoon.

Taemin: "there there you two, I'm sure it's nothing serious we're gonna listen to what they have to say and go back to our dorm in no time". He said ruffling their hair and smiling softly.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now