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Awkwardness is the right word to describe the situation you were in. You shifted in your seat and cleared your throat but the two hybrids who had been having a staring contest for what it felt like eternity didn't quit their childish behavior.

You sighed deeply.

Y/N: :"aren't you going to eat your breakfast Jiminie?". You asked hoping he'll stop.

Jimin, who was glaring at the bunny as if he wanted to stab him with the fork he was grabbing on tightly, he didn't stop but his tail started swaying after he heard your soft voice speaking to him.

Jimin: "I will, a moment". He said his eyes still fixed aggressively on the bunny.

Sighing again knowing that this behavior will continue if you didn't put an end to it. You took your spoon and filled it with the food from your plate planning to stuff this into Jimin's mouth. You reached your hand to his face and turned his head towards you making him quit glaring. He immediately let out a soft purr startled when you suddenly made him look at you.

His eyes blinking a few times puzzled at the suddenness when he looked at you, but soon he melted into your touch enjoying the feel of your warm hand on his chubby cheek forgetting why you got him confused in the first place. He held your hand that rested on his cheek and tilted his head pressing his cheek, that got squished, against your palm. He smiled softly and closed his eyes.

Y/N: "here..". You said and lifted the spoon up close to his plump lips.

His fluffy ears perked up, his eyes opened and looked bigger as they shifted to the spoon that was so close to his lips. He opened his mouth wide, his cute pointy fangs were on display.

He munched on the food as a smile formed on his lips. His fluffy tail started wagging joyfully. You smiled softly at how cute he looked enjoying every little moment of having your attention. You ran your fingers through his soft hair gently making him start purring softly.

You rested back on your seat and let out a sigh of relief. Since Jimin is now distracted blushing and giggling looking overwhelmed with joy, you can now carry on with the meal peacefully without worrying that he might start another fight.

You shifted your eyes to Jungkook and you were surprised when you caught him looking at you. He immediately averted his gaze down at his plate and continued eating silently.

What was that look? You wondered. Was it sadness that you felt, or...longing? Whatever it was it made your heart ache.

As you were looking at him you noticed his plate was already empty. You were worried he might still be hungry. You pushed your plate towards him. He lifted his head and stared at you, his long ears perked up.

Y/N: "you can have my share". You said while smiling softly.

His eyes widened a bit, his lips parted. Quietly, he looked at your plate for a moment thinking then he shifted his eyes back at you with his eyebrows furrowing in worry.

Y/N: "hey, it's ok I'm not hungry. Go ahead and eat". You said reassuring after he looked hesitant.

His eyes lingered on you for a few seconds then he broke his gaze and took your plate before he started eating.

Jungkook: "Th-Thank you". He said faintly.

Y/N: "you're welcome". You said and smiled.

When was the last time he had a proper meal? You wondered. You kept thinking of what might he had gone through that made him end up living like this.

As you were thinking deeply, you were interrupted when you felt a tug on your shirt. You turned your head and saw two big glossy eyes staring at you.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now