A Crime

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Brushing Jimin's hair while he sat on the floor legs crossed resting his back against your legs as you were sitting on the couch. His eyes were closed, a pleased smile across his face, the sound of his purrs radiates across the living room. His freshly washed hair felt soft and fluffy when you ran your fingers through his orange locks making sure it was all dry.

You leaned closer when your nose picked a familiar smell. Did he use my hair mask too? you wondered, It was definitely the new hair mask you just bought. You smiled, it doesn't bother you anymore, you've adapted yourself to this cute behavior of copying you. It became a habit whenever you buy something you would pick a pair knowing that a certain fluffy someone will always use what you have.

Y/N: "done, you're free to go". You said putting the towel away on the sofa.

His purrs stopped, his fluffy ears dropped. He moved his head back resting on your lap and looked up at you adorably with his big chocolate brown eyes.

Jimin: "are you sure?". He asked with a cute pout on his plump lips.

He blinked as his adorable eyes kept looking at you. he looked disappointed, he was having the time of his life a second ago, he didn't want it to just end. he needs more attention.

You leaned down cupping his chubby cheeks and placed a kiss on his forehead, you chuckled when a purr escaped his plump lips.

Y/N: "yes I'm sure, little fluff, go get your bag". You said watching the blush on his cheeks after the little kiss you gave him.

He pouted and lifted his hand up holding yours that rested on his cheeks.

Jimin: "you've missed a spot". He said placing your hand on his head again making you pet him.

Y/N: "really?". You said pulling your hand back to your lap causing him to turn around with a whine reaching for your hand to put it back on his head again.

Y/N: "Maybe I should bring the hair dryer". You said.

His hand froze in mid air. His fluffy ears perked up in alert as soon as the words left your lips. His chocolate eyes widened and shifted to yours. He gulped.

Jimin: "no!...I-I'm good". He said then suddenly stood up and sprinted to your room.

You chuckled, you know this would convince him to quit sulking, he doesn't like the hair dryer it's too loud for his big ears.

Today is Jimin's first class in the academy. He didn't stop talking about Hoseok since he met him last week he thinks he's awesome. The idea of letting him take dancing classes kept on your mind since that day and you thought it's better for him to do something he likes rather than wait at home alone for you to get back, how boring that can be?

Hoseok was right about him, he seemed to like dancing, you noticed the way he respond to music became different since Hoseok's performance whenever you play some in the car. That dancing practice you saw sparked something inside him.

You talked to Namjoon about it, since he has the authority, he was more than happy to register him in the academy. Jimin almost teared with joy when you told him.

Jungkook's condition was getting better with every passing day. He was still held in the infirmary but it was a relief knowing he's being taking care of and not sleeping on the street the way his life used to be before, he even gain some weight his cheeks became a bit puffy.

You kept visiting him everyday making sure he's comfortable and helped taking care of him too. Jimin didn't like that part but he learned to live with it. He knows if he did something about it you would get mad and that would make him feel a lot worse. You would still spoil him with attention anyways that's what encouraged him to behave.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now