His Past

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"I was abused too!!".

These words kept repeating in your mind as you were spacing out while your hand found it's way to the orange fluff that rested on your lap.

Why did he tell you that? It's not like you didn't know he was abused before. He usually gets nervous when you try bringing it up. But you didn't persist further you didn't want to open a buried wound.

But why did he suddenly tell you that? Did he want to talk to you about it? Or did he want to tell you something you missed? Something you weren't paying attention to. Is he...is he not happy with you? You thought you were doing your best for him, keeping up with your job and finding the time to spend with him, but maybe that wasn't enough as you thought. Maybe you're not doing a great job as his owner.

Overthinking about this matter gave you a headache.

You looked down at the cute sleeping fluff on your lap. You hoped his heart doesn't give him pain anymore. It was his first time suffering from a heartache which means he doesn't have a chronic disease, the thought made you feel a bit at ease. You remembered his fight with Jungkook, perhaps he got hurt during the fight.

Taking a deep breath to clear you head, your hand continued stroking Jimin's hair. The smoothness of his hair made your bothered mood relaxed a bit. Your new shampoo scent filled your nostrils, you smiled knowing that he wasn't joking when he asked for your permission to use it.

This cute muffin, you pinched his chubby cheek gently and giggled.

Jimin' ears twitched before his heavy eyelids opened. He rubbed his eyes then he looked up at you. He held your gaze for a moment then a soft smile spread on his plump lips, his eyes closing in a crescent shape.

Jimin: "my angel is so beautiful". He said.

Your heart skipped a beat. A blush tinted your cheeks as soon as his words reached your ears. For an unknown reason you were surprised hearing him suddenly saying that. It's just because he doesn't do it so often, that's what you thought.

Y/N: "thank you little muffin....how are you feeling now?". You asked changing the subject.

Jimin: "I'm fine". He said smiling brightly.

You were relieved after hearing that. The invisible weight on your shoulder was gone.

Jimin watched you, his expression softened.

Jimin: "You were worried....I'm really fine now, truly. You wanna hear my heartbeat? I can hear yours all the time". He suggested as he sat up and shifted closer to you.

You looked at his big fluffy ears. Having these ears sure he can hear whatever goes around. Jimin was looking at you eagerly, you can see the excitement in his eyes. Well, you can't say no to these eyes, can you?

Y/N: "sure". You said and heard a continues thud sound as you kept your eyes on his adorable once.

You didn't need to look behind him to see what caused the sound. You already know his fluffy tail started wagging in a fast motion and it's hitting against the sofa you were sitting on.

Jimin opened his arms he smiled as he watched you getting close and resting your head on his built chest. It wasn't meant to be a hug but Jimin made it feel like one when he wrapped his arms around you. He rested his head on yours and closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath causing your head lifting up with the movement of his chest. As everything was calm and quiet....you heard his heartbeat, not beating in a normal rate but a fast beating to be exact. Is this normal for hybrids? You wondered.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now