Late Night

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That night you couldn't sleep. Rolling on the bed over and over trying to fall asleep but failing instead. Staring at Jimin's cute sleepy face playing with his fluffy hair while he was in a deep slumber, they were all fail attempts to put you back to sleep.

Looking at the ceiling you let out a long sigh and finally decided to stop trying. You were lucky it was weekend or else you'll not be very happy the next morning.

You turned the table lamp on and sat on the mattress thinking of what should you be doing. It was a cold night maybe making something warm like a hot chocolate or something would make you relaxe therefore you'll be able to sleep faster.

You went to the kitchen and prepared your warm drink, you decided having a late snack won't harm. You grabbed some cookies and headed back to your room holding your warm drink with your other hand.

Setting everything on the nightstand you grabbed your favorite book and got cozy in your bed. You looked at Jimin sleeping beside you hoping you didn't wake him up, you smiled when you saw his parted plump lips and heard soft snores.

As you were enjoying the story you were reading you got startled when your phone buzzed indicating that you got a new message. You grabbed it quickly and turned it on silent before you opened the text you've received.

MinYoongi: 'hey (Y/N), how're you? Sorry to text you this late I'm guessing you're sleeping right now. Anyways, Tae wants to invite Jimin over at our place and you could come along too if you don't have any plans for the weekend, I'll be cooking dinner'.

You read the text and smiled. Jimin would love to hangout with Taehyung and you don't have any plans for the weekend but first you need to make sure Jimin is comfortable with the idea, you don't want to force him on anything. You decided to not reply until you make sure Jimin wants to go.

You set your phone back on the nightstand and continued reading. It wasn't too long when Jimin groaned in his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw you sitting beside him while you kept reading your book. He couldn't help but to feel a bit sad when he saw you not paying attention to him he wanted you to look at him and nothing else but him.

Jimin: "angel?". He whispered softly with a raspy voice.

You looked at him and smiled seeing that he's woken up. Your smile milted his soul he can't think of anything worth admiring than your sweet smile.

Y/N: "hey baby boy, did I wake you up?". You said and ran your fingers through his soft hair.

Jimin shook his head even though you did wake him up but he didn't want you to feel sorry, his heart skipped a beat when your fingers brushed through his hair his tail started swaying enjoying the pleasant feeling but soon his excitement was replaced with disappointment when you stopped and continued reading. He pouted his plump lips and furrow his brows.

He watched you while you were too focused on your book completely ignoring him it didn't make him feel good. Why are you paying attention to the papers and not him? You were even holding the book your finger running against the cover subconsciously as you continued reading.

What? Does the book cover feels softer than his hair? Did he not do a good job taking care of his hair for you? Brushing it five times a day wasn't enough? Maybe he should double the effort it'll make his hair even softer, right? Or don't like his hair anymore!

He began to panic. He can't lose you against this ugly book cover. Now it's him or it and he's planning to win this fight.

While you were distracted he opened the drawer that was beside the bed and took out the brush he always keep there. Even though he brushed his hair before he slept but it didn't feel enough for him. He kept brushing his hair until he was satisfied then put it back in the drawer keeping it close to him just in case he needs it again. He laid back on the bed and shifted closer to you.

Jimin: "my angel". He spoke too softly.

You turned your head and looked at him.

Jimin: "it's too cold~". He said with aegyo.

You chuckled. Why is he acting cute so suddenly? He doesn't need aegyo to be cute his cuteness is naturally a part of him, you thought.

Y/N: "then cover up properly". You said. You know what he's implying to, he wants your attention, finally the soft baby is back in being his clingy self again.

Jimin: "No, I need cuddles". He said and outstretched his arms to you, fluffy ears dropping while looking at you with his big puppy eyes.

The sight melted your heart. You had to suppress a squeal you didn't want to scare the baby away.

Y/N: "ok, but after I'm done reading". You said and shifted your eyes to your book.

Jimin: "no, (Y/N) please I can't lose". He said.

Y/N: "what?". You asked confused.

But he didn't give you a chance to get confused.  As you were holding the book he snuggled his head under your arm and managed to break through the book's defenses. His head perked up from under your arm and he looked at you, your arm rested on his back as you watched the wide smile on his plump lips his ears fluttering in excitement.

Then he stopped smiling and glared at the book as if he wanted to tear it apart, he took your hand that held it, making it fall on the floor, and placed your hand on top of his head, he rested on your chest and sighed in relief, A big smile on his...

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Then he stopped smiling and glared at the book as if he wanted to tear it apart, he took your hand that held it, making it fall on the floor, and placed your hand on top of his head, he rested on your chest and sighed in relief, A big smile on his plump lips satisfied at his victory of owning you.


He was purring while you stared at the wall in front of you looking a bit shocked. Why did he do that?

He whined when you didn't stroke his hair, he rubbed his head against you as he nuzzled into your neck.

Jimin: "pets pleeese~". He said whining.

You immediately started stroking his hair and wrapped your arms around him. But why do you feel like you were being controlled. You chuckled, this sly little fox, he managed to get what he wanted after all. Well, Can you ever say no to this fluffy baby?



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To be continued...


Can you say no to him? I know I can't I just can't! 😭😭

Vote if you like the chapter. 👏🏻👏🏻

Jimin loves you. 🦊💜💜💜💜💜💜

I love you. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


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