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It was early in the morning when a crushing sound woke you up. You jumped in your sleep startled and opened your eyes but you felt two protective arms slipping around you and holding you close. Jimin has woken up too, his fluffy ears perking up and his eyes were fixed on the door. He was holding you close to his chest protectively and looking wary at the door.

You reached your hand to his chubby cheek. He looked down at you, his eyes softening.

Y/N: "I'll go check it out, stay here". You said.

Jimin: "no, I'll go". He said and jumped out of the bed not giving you a chance to argue.

You quickly ran after him with your heart racing Overwhelmed with worry. The last thing you want is two hybrids fighting each other.

Jimin was already in the living room when you commanded him to stop lowering your tone not wanting to startle the bunny. Jimin froze immediately at your command, his ears perked up as he turned to look at you, a questioning look on his face.

You gestured for him to stand still. You noticed the couch was empty there was no one in the living room except for you and Jimin. You saw Jimin's red sweater on the floor. You've picked it up wondering what is this doing on the floor when you noticed Jimin looking wary as he kept his gaze behind you. You turned around and saw the kitchen lights were on.

Silence fill the room. The only thing you hear was your footsteps as you were approaching the kitchen carefully. Jimin was right behind you sniffing the air, he knows the hybrid is still here his scent is very strong.

You got a full view of the kitchen in front of you. You saw a broken plate on the floor and some food leftovers.

You were about to step inside the kitchen but you paused when you heard a fast breathing. You know it's not Jimin as you looked back at him. His movement was very smooth. His feet touching the floor very lightly as if he was as light as a feather. He was sneaking like a predator after his prey, very careful and quiet you don't even hear him breathing. His skill was worth admiring.

This sound belongs to someone else, someone who's trying so hard to catch his breath, someone who's scared...

You realized then that the bunny is hiding right behind the door.

Y/N: "I know you're there, it's ok, you're safe here.". You said softly trying to reassure him.

But you got no response.

Y/N: "no one is going to hurt you". You said again.

Silence..., he's not responding. You took a deep breath letting out the stress that fill your chest.

Y/N: "I'm going in". You informed him you didn't want to scare him more.

You gestured for Jimin to not follow you. He furrowed his brows not liking the idea but he did what he was told.

As soon as you stepped inside, you got pushed all the way and found yourself pinned on the wall! Your back hurt from the hard impact against the solid wall, your wrists almost crushing under the strong grip around them. You opened your eyes and looked at the bunny's face, that was only few inches away from you, and saw his doe eyes looking at you terrified and cautious.

But that didn't last more than two seconds. You heard a loud growling and the bunny was pulled hard and thrown to the other side of the room.

Jimin appeared in front of you looking at you with worry eyes checking if you're injured or hurt somewhere, but the bunny launched at him from behind grabbing him by the collar and they started fighting each other.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now