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Y/N: "sweet kookie where have you been?!". you shouted out.

Taller Cop: "please ma'am, stand back this hybrid is dangerous". Said the taller cop, preventing you from coming closer.

Y/N: "sir please, this is my hybrid you're hurting". You lied.

The two cops who surrounded Jungkook looked at you. You were able to take a glance at him. His hands were cuffed, his nose was bleeding you saw new bruises on his face. He was surprised to see you but didn't let his guards down.

taller Cop: "ma'am, this hybrid matches the description we have for a wanted, dangerous hybrid, he committed crimes against humanity, please ma'am, step back".

Y/N: "I'm sure this is a misunderstanding, this is my hybrid Jungkook he was a gift from my friend I sent him to get groceries but he was late, now I know why ". You said and glared at the man in front of you.

taller Cop: "ma'am, this hybrid got reported today for robbery and_"

Y/N: "what? Kookie I gave you money did you lost it?". You asked the bunny interrupting the cop.

Jungkook stared into your eyes for a few seconds that felt like eternity. The nerves eating you up from inside. The cops were inspecting silently. He wasn't standing straight he was bending his back a little as if he was hurt. The way he was breathing worried you.

Your heart was beating fast as you stared at him. Please Jungkook don't ruin it, you begged internally somehow you wished he could hear you. You hoped he'll play along with you and not busted all.

But then he nodded and tilted his head down. He got it! He's with you! Relief washed over you knowing he'll act along with whatever you tell him to.

Pretending to be disappointed you let out a fake sigh and turned to the cops.

Y/N: "I'm very sorry sir, my hybrid is too obedient, you see I have friends coming over today and I promised I'll make delicious dinner, I told him to get the groceries at all costs, and look what my dummy bunny did". You said pretending to be upset as you glared at Jungkook.

skinnier Cop: "huh! I wonder what you'd make with a bunch of carrots". Said the skinnier cop sarcastically.

Y/N: "a carrot pie! Hehe, one of my friends is addicted to it". You said immediately the first thing came to your mind.

you gulped, you can't believe you just said that as you looked at the cop smiling pretending that everything is cool.

Among all the food in the store carrots are what caught his interest? Now you look like a freaking weirdo in front of the cops, Why didn't he steal something more convenient to match up with your lie. You hoped the cops are stupid enough to buy it.

Taller Cop: "let me tell you ma'am, stealing isn't the only thing he's accused of, assaulting and destroying a human property are also among the charges against him". Said the other cop brushing off what you just said, but the other cop kept eyeing you.

Y/N: "what have you done you stupid bunny? Can't you do one thing properly. I thought I told you to not get involved into trouble, now look at what you did!". You said pretending to scold him while he kept his head down.

Taller Cop: "ma'am, please calm down I think your hybrid regrets it". He said, at least he seemed to have a kinder heart than most humans, especially when it comes to hybrids.

Y/N: "I assure you sir he'll be punished for what he did and I take full responsibility for his irresponsible actions". You said.

skinnier Cop: "I don't see his collar". Said the other cop interrupting as he was examining Jungkook while you were busy convincing the other cop.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now