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Seeing Jimin getting excited over watching you making popcorn made you chuckle. His tail wagging excitingly while he was holding his bowl waiting for you to finish. His ears perked up on his head. His eyes sparkled as he watched you putting the popcorn in his bowl. He smiled widely showing his fangs before he thanked you. Turns out this big baby loves popcorn.

You took your bowl of popcorn and headed to the living room. Jimin was already sitting on the floor resting his back against the couch behind him, and placing the bowl on his lap waiting for you. You played the movie before you sat behind Jimin on the couch.

You had fun watching the movie and Jimin's reactions made you giggle. He loved the Avengers and you can tell that Hulk was his favorite superhero as his tail starts wagging whenever he showed up on the screen. Jimin didn't take his eyes off the screen enjoying every second of the movie. His ears twitching at every loud sound coming from the TV.

You looked at his ears that were perked up. It looked so fluffy and soft. You stretched your hand to touch it but you stopped before reaching it. Am I invading his privacy? You know hybrids have sensitive ears. Startling him wouldn't be a good idea, unless you were ok with getting scratches all over your face, which you didn't want, obviously.

You hesitate, you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

you were about to pull your stretched hand back when his left ear twitched at the sound of your movement close by. He turned his head and looked at you before his eyes settled on your hand that was close to his head. Oops! I've been spotted! He blinked while still looking at your hand that got frozen in place. You began to think of an excuse you wanted to apologize.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry I didn't_"

what he did next surprised you. He leaned forward, ignoring your apology, and pressed his head against your palm giving you permission to scratch his ears. You stiffened. He began rubbing his head against your hand encouraging you when you didn't move.

Jimin: "(Y/N), you can scratch my ears if you want to" he said leaning his head on your hand and looking at you smiling.

Jimin: "(Y/N), you can scratch my ears if you want to" he said leaning his head on your hand and looking at you smiling

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His ears flapped. You couldn't resist his cuteness any longer. You began to stroke his soft hair. He smiled widely and moved to sit next to you giving you a better access. He looked at you with a soft smile waiting impatiently for your touch. You reached your other hand and began to scratch behind his ears. He closed his eyes relaxing and he actually started purring. The vibration coming from him was strong enough to make you feel it. You chuckled at his cute expression. he seemed to be enjoying the petting he was receiving as he looked so messed up in your hands. He leaned forward putting more weight on your hands, rubbing his head up and down on your palm while purring without realizing that he was loosing his balance. You couldn't manage to steady him as his weight got heavier and heavier. Eventually, his head slipped from your hands and he fell on your lap. A whine coming from his throat at the loss of your warm touch.

You gasped! You thought something happened to him. His head on your lap and his back facing you. He didn't move a muscle. You started to worry. You hoped you didn't hurt him while petting him. You leaned forward getting a better view of his face. You saw his cheeks tinted with red, he was embarrassed. He saw you looking at him and quickly covered his cheeks with his hands. He turned to the other side and buried his face into your belly. You chuckled at his adorable behavior.

Y/N: "what's wrong little cutie ~?". You cooed.

He shook his head but didn't speak. He nuzzled further into your belly he wanted to hide himself from you. You pulled his hands away from his face. He blinked twice shocked that his attempt to hide from you failed. You saw his cheeks getting tinted again and he pulled your shirt over his face and nuzzled again. You felt his warm breath brushing against your bare belly his tiny nose tickling you. You laughed.

Y/N: "Jimin what's going on? Are you ok?". You asked trying to suppress your laughter.

He mumbled something but you couldn't hear him clearly.

Y/N: "huh? I didn't hear you".

He turned his head and with a slow motion he removed the cloth down from his face and stopped when his eyes were revealed, still covering the rest of his face. You were looking down at him while his big chocolate eyes looked up at you, his ears dropping. Causing your heart to melt at the sight.

Jimin: "I feel shy". He said faintly.

Y/N: "aww, big baby~ don't be shy~". You cooed and pulled your shirt away from his grip. He gasped and panicked when he realized he was exposed to the world. You reached your hands to his belly and started tickling him avoiding the wound area. His mood changed quickly, he started giggling and begging you to stop, but You can't stop, hearing his squeaky laughter it was like music to your ears. You wanted to keep hearing his laugh a bit longer.

He took your both hands and hugged them, while giggling. Still resting on your lap, he looked up at you daring you to pull your hands. You tried so hard to pull away but only to receive another wave of giggles coming from him at your helplessness, he was really strong.

Y/N: "ok little fox, I give up". You surrendered, and faked a grumpy face.

He grinned widely at his victory and let go of your hands.

He looked up at you and stared at your face. He was no longer smiling. You brushed his hair away from his forehead to get a better look at his chocolate brown eyes and you gave him a warm smile.

Y/N: "what is it Jimin?" You asked softly.

Jimin: "I..., I like this". He said. He took your hand and placeed it on his head.

Jimin: "please..". He said.

You understood what he wanted. You started stroking his hair and massaging his scalp. Purrs started vibrating from his chest and he looked relaxed. He watched you as you were giving him the affection he had always dreamed of. Your touch was kind and gentle it made him feel warm in his chest. His eyelids felt heavy but he didn't want to drift off to sleep missing this incredible feeling. He wanted to register every detail of this moment in his memory. He wished for this moment to last forever.



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Hey guys! How you doin? I hope you're doing fine after this extra fluff dose.


Votes 👏🏻👏🏻

Love you 💕💕

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