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Watching Jimin while he was carefully applying antibiotic cream on the cut on your hand made you smile seeing how much he cares for you.

Y/N: "Jimin, its ok, I can do it myself ". You said.

Jimin: "no, I-I can do it, please trust me". He said eagerly.

You held in a laugh. Fluffy boy he's taking this too seriously it's not like your going to die from a small cut. But he was being too dramatic, he insisted to take care of it and you can't say no to him as usual he makes you too soft. You gave up on taking the cream from him and sighed in defeat.

He was focused on his task. His plump lips pouting in concentration as he was leaning close holding your hand close to his face and cleaning the cut with the other hand. His adorable brown eyes looked bigger while he examined his work checking if he left anything out.

His cheeks puffing, lips pouting, his brows furrowing as he was carefully bandaging the small wound

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His cheeks puffing, lips pouting, his brows furrowing as he was carefully bandaging the small wound. He made sure the wound is secured then he placed a kiss on top of it when he was done. He looked at his work with a proud smile on his face.

Y/N: "waoh, little muffin you did good! You should be a nurse instead of me". You said praising him and ruffling his soft hair.

Jimin: "I-I'm not as good as my angel". He said while blushing.

Y/N: "what are you saying? You're a professional!". You said, pinching his pink cheek.

Jimin giggled shyly, his tail wagged happily. You are praising him! YOU are actually praising him right NOW! He was so happy and excited he impressed you! even though you were exaggerating just to see his cute blush but he was clueless. His cheeks started getting more reddish when he saw you looking at him adoringly, he looked away not able to hold your stare but his smile got wider. You can imagine the look on your face you were melting into his cuteness.

A sneezing sound coming from outside your room brought you back to reality reminding you that there's another hybrid in your apartment, you almost forgot about him. suddenly you felt heavy.

You thanked Jimin for his help, poor baby he was a mess with how much your words affected him. He hid under the covers on your bed and pretended to be tired but you know him too well he was only hiding his shyness from you, being too obvious he didn't stop smiling, his tail didn't stop wagging. You giggled looking at the cute orange fluff ball before you left the room.

The bunny, who you still don't know his name yet, was sitting on the couch staring at the blank TV screen as he seemed to be spacing out. At least he wore the sweater, that's another progress. He felt your presence he turned his head slightly to your direction and looked at you from the corner of his eyes, he was careful not to make eye contact, then he averted his eyes down at his lap.

You walked over and sat on the couch across from where he was  sitting. You didn't want to be too close, you've already figured out he doesn't like humans.

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