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It's been a week since the incident with your ex. It wasn't easy to overcome the scars he left on you. You reported to the police and they made sure you were safe. He wouldn't dare to approach you again, he would be a fool if he tried. Especially, after his unpleasant encounter with Jimin.

Jimin have been literally glued to your side. He doesn't let you leave his sight. You even caught him preparing his packbag so he can accompany you to work, you had to stop him and convince him otherwise. His worry over you touches your soul but you don't like it when you see him waiting for you everyday outside your apartment building as you get back from work.

As soon as he saw you coming he rushed to you and threw his arms around you. A whine coming from his throat as he started rubbing his cheek against your head, it's seems this baby missed you so much.

Y/N: " Jimin, how many times have I told you not to wait for me outside, I don't want you to catch a cold". You said after you pulled back from his tight hug.

Jimin: "what if he comes and I wasn't around? You should let me go with you instead". He pouted while his ears were dropping down against his head.

You smiled at his adorable face he was making and reached your hand to his neck fixing his collar, at least he didn't forget to wear it.

Y/N: " he wouldn't dare to come while the toughest fox in the world is standing by my side". You said, and pinched his cheek.

Jimin was trying to act tough around you, but you can easily see through him how soft he is. He wanted to show you that you can rely on him. He tried so hard not to show how your words made his heart flutter, completely oblivious of his tail that was wagging crazily behind him. He thought he gave himself away when he accidentally purred after you pinched his cheek he hoped you didn't notice. He cant help it though, when it comes to your touch he can't control his feelings he likes it so much. It makes all his worries go away and all he can think about is your gentle warmth against his skin, it always makes his heart melt.

You entered your apartment with Jimin following close behind while he was carrying your bag. He insisted to take your bag when he thought you looked tired. You know he was trying to help out even though it wasn't necessary but you can't say no to this adorable angel, can you?

You were taking a shower when you heard a whine and a scratching on the bathroom door. Did something happened to Jimin? Quickly you finished your shower and wrapped yourself with a towel. You opened the door but you didn't expect to see Jimin leaning his weight on the door. The next thing you know was hearing Jimin gasping and your body falling on the floor.

Feeling a heavy weight on your body you opened your eyes. Your gaze fell on two orange ears twitching. Jimin lifted his head up and looked at you. His face was only few inches away from you. You can feel his warm breathing on your face. He was on top of you and looking at you with surprised eyes. You froze in place your mind went blank too busy processing the situation. After a long moment that took forever, Jimin finally spoke.

Jimin: "I- I'm- I'm so sorry". He stuttered and got up on his feet.

He picked you up from the floor and helped you stand on your feet. You were still shocked, no words coming from you.

Jimin: "I- I wasn't expecting you to open the door". He stood in front of you looking down, ears dropping while he grabbed his tail nervously.

You looked at him. Your heart was racing. You tried to catch your breath you forgot how to breath a while ago. His cheeks were flushed his orange fringe was covering his eyes as he looked down avoiding eye contact.

Suddenly his surprised expression when you both fell on the floor came to your mind. It was too funny for you to handle making you break into laughter so suddenly. Jimin's ears perked up and he looked at you surprised.

My Little Fox (hybrid Jimin X reader)Where stories live. Discover now